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4 Delicious Foods That Are Safe For Sensitive Teeth

Hot, cold, or sweet foods can trigger sensitive teeth, a temporary and aggravating pain for many people. It can also make eating and drinking uncomfortable and prevent you from enjoying certain meals and snacks. 

However, sensitive teeth can lead to more serious implications, such as decreased appetite and food intake, leading to nutrient deficiencies that your body needs to function correctly. 

The good news is that many foods aim to improve your teeth sensitivity by restoring your tooth enamel so you can enjoy the same treats as everyone else.


What Causes Tooth Sensitivity? 

When your tooth enamel is damaged, worn, or exposed because of receding gums, you may have sensitive teeth and nerve pain. There are many causes of tooth sensitivity that include the following: 

●     Brushing your teeth too aggressively with a hard-bristled toothbrush

●     Grinding your teeth at night or when you're nervous

●     Consuming too many foods and drinks that are high in sugar or too acidic

●     Having a chip or crack, or teeth that have worn down over time

●     Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums

●     Using teeth-whitening products and toothpaste that contain baking soda and peroxide

●     Plaque buildup

●     Gum recession 

Your dentist may make several suggestions for managing your sensitive teeth, such as switching over to a soft-bristled toothbrush, wearing a nightguard, or changing your toothpaste. They may also suggest a different diet for greater oral health.

Do you need oral surgery in Queen Creek or somewhere near you if you have sensitive teeth? Well, it depends on the cause. Severe cases caused by gum recession or damaged teeth may require surgery, but mild cases may only need changing some things in your oral care routine or diet. It's best to check with your dentist so they can provide your options.


4 Foods That Improve Sensitive Teeth 

The next time you're at the grocery store and worried about what you can eat without hurting your teeth, consider filling your cart with these four delicious foods. 

1.    Dairy Products 

If you like your yogurt, milk, and cheese, then you'll delight in knowing that dairy products are excellent for sensitive teeth. Dairy is high in calcium, protein, and probiotics, which are minerals needed to strengthen bones, kill harmful bacteria, and neutralize acids. 

In addition to calcium and protein, milk also contains high amounts of B vitamins and vitamin D. When your body has deficiencies in vitamins B and D, you may be more prone to burning mouth syndrome. This condition usually induces chronic mouth pain. 

However, always be sure to look for dairy items that are low in sugar. Sugary substances may heighten tooth sensitivity and lead to other dental damage like cavities. 

2.    Fruits and Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples, citrus, and celery are healthy snacking options for kids and adults with sensitive teeth. 

Carrots and apples are especially high in fiber and are crunchier, stimulating your gums and producing saliva. Saliva production is vital for helping to break down food and clear your mouth of harmful chemicals and food debris. 

It's important to brush and floss your teeth as well. Just be careful not to brush or floss too hard, as it can cause sensitive teeth and gums to bleed. Take your time and consider using a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

3.    Leafy Greens 

Although they're also vegetables, leafy greens in particular — cabbage, kale, collard greens, spinach, lettuce, etc. — are some of the best foods for sensitive teeth. 

These greens are rich in essential nutrients such as magnesium, vitamins C and A, beta carotene, calcium, and folic acid. Along with phosphorus, 85% of which is found in teeth and bones, the minerals in leafy greens help strengthen the enamel barrier to prevent cavities. 

Studies have also shown that the vitamins in leafy greens may prevent gingivitis and oral inflammatory disease. 

4.    Nuts and Whole Grains 

Nuts are jam-packed with nutrients that are optimal for promoting dental health. Almonds, for example, are high in calcium and protein and low in sugar, which is excellent for fostering strong, healthy teeth. Past research has also suggested that high-quality protein in nuts reduces inflammation, which can aid sensitive gums. 

Studies have recently indicated that whole grains may protect teeth from periodontal conditions as well, including oral cancer and dental cavities. However, research on this is relatively new and evidence is limited.


Healthy Foods for Less Tooth Pain 

Dealing with sensitive teeth is challenging and may make you feel as if you're missing out. By adding more of these delicious foods to your diet, you can rest assured that you'll get the right amount of nutrients needed for less-sensitive teeth.