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5 Great Ideas for Staying Active As A Family

Being physically active and sharing fun, adventurous activities is great for the entire family. Staying active doesn’t just help the family become close and happier, but it also helps you to stay healthy while having a lot of fun together.

There are plenty of ways to stay active as a family too. Even with the challenges of today, plenty of activities can be shared with the rest of the family. If you want to get started, here are the best 5 ideas for staying active as a family.

Take Long Walks

Taking a long walk with the entire family is both relaxing and a lot of fun. The walk doesn’t have to be particularly tiring or challenging; a simple stroll around the park or neighborhood is more than enough to get everyone excited.

A great way to make long walks a family habit is by turning the simple act of taking the dogs out for a walk into a family activity. The kids will certainly love taking the dogs out, and everyone can have a lot of fun sharing the activity.

Riding Bikes

The same long walks can be turned into a hiking trip, but there is something even better than that: going on a riding trip. Bicycles are a lot of fun, especially since there are plenty of riding trails to explore no matter where you are in the country.

You can pick up the best electric mountain bikes currently available and plan your next trip immediately. Electric mountain bikes are also perfect for hunting and for supporting other outdoor activities, so they are great investments to make.

Team Sports

Of course, we cannot talk about fun activities for the entire family without talking about team sports. If you happen to have a backyard basketball court or there is a nearby park with sports facilities, giving activities like soccer and basketball a try is highly recommended.

This is where combining multiple activities becomes something you can do. You can ride a bike or take a walk to the park, spend an hour or two playing with the entire family, share an ice cream afterwards, and then return home filled with excitement and energy.


There is another activity that is definitely a must-try, and that is dancing. Nothing is more fun than turning up the music after dinner and dancing with everyone. It is certainly a fun activity for the kids and you can join the excitement anytime you want.

Dancing is as much of an exercise as jogging and playing tennis. You just have to adjust the length of your dancing sessions to burn enough calories. Fortunately, almost all tunes that the kids love today are music that you can dance to.

Fun Chores

Sticking with music as your best tool, you can put on music to spice doing the house chores up and turn the activity into a fun way for everyone to stay active. House chores, just like dancing and walking, are more than enough to generate some sweat and burn calories.

Getting the kids involved doesn’t have to be a challenge either. You can make the chores more fun, offer rewards for completing certain tasks, or simply turn doing house chores into an adventure with some stories before and after the activity.

One more thing you can do with music: have fun in the backyard. Let the kids play with water – or in the rain, if you are lucky – and watch as the entire family comes together. It is a simple activity, just like the 5 other activities we discussed in this article, but it is certainly a great way to stay active as a family. Once you start doing these activities regularly, they become habits that everyone enjoys.