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8 Health Habits To Encourage This New Year

The new year is here, which means nearly everyone will be making resolutions. Many of those promises have to do with improving health.  

What can you do to better your well-being? The good news is that the answer need not entail running a marathon or adhering to a strict paleo-vegan-low-FODMAP diet. Instead, encourage the eight healthy habits below in yourself and those you love.

1. Perform a Daily Health Check  

If you skip your annual doctor’s visit due to lack of coverage or steep copays, you could have trouble brewing without knowing it. Please invest in the basics, such as a blood pressure cuff, thermometer and pulse oximeter so that you can identify signs of trouble when you aren’t sure whether to go to the hospital.  

Likewise, don’t throw out your scale if you resolve to shed a few pounds. Research published by the National Library of Medicine indicated that those who weigh in daily and email their results lost ten times more weight than the control group. Instead, check your numbers and find an accountability partner.

2. Brush Your Teeth — Especially Before Bed 

Ideally, you should brush your teeth twice daily, but it is crucial to do so before going to bed at night. Saliva production slows down while you sleep, letting bacteria feast and create cavities. Make sure you scrub for at least two minutes with fluoride toothpaste.  

Invest in floss, too — only 30% of Americans clean between their teeth daily as they should. Failure to do so can have dire consequences, including tooth loss when trapped bacteria cause periodontal disease.

3. Walk or Bike More Often  

How do you commute? If you live near your workplace, can you do so via leg power to burn calories and become more sustainable?  

If time constraints don’t let you travel to and from the office via walking or biking, look for other opportunities. Do you pick up your child after daycare or school? Can you walk them home instead of idling in the parent pickup line? Doing so might help you connect over conversation they hesitate to share around the dinner table.

4. Find Exercise That You Love 

If you are one of the many vowing to get into shape in the new year, there’s good news. Given the reality of COVID-19, many people hesitate to sweat with others — which has led to a flood of fitness apps on the market. You can find one for nearly any interest.  

If you are more motivated by the thrill of competition, why not sign up for a race? While some events might be postponed at the beginning of the year, the promise of a vaccine means you have time to train before the big day.

5. Bring Fitness to the Office 

Maybe you got lucky and work for a super-progressive firm that has an in-house fitness center. Even if you don’t, though, there are ways to stay fit right at your cubicle.  

Learn how to perform yoga stretches at your desk to ease tension and prevent repetitive strain. Consider swapping out your traditional chair for an exercise ball, or talk to your HR department about a variable-height desk that lets you stand for part of the day. You’ll burn more calories, and many users report decreased back pain after making the switch.

6. Eat More Fruits and Veggies 

Scientists still don’t understand all the wonders of phytonutrients, but what they have discovered to date suggests these substances may play vital roles in protecting human health. These powerhouses also give plants their vibrant hues— so stock up on a rainbow of fruits and veggies to start the new year.  

You don’t have to become a rabbit and live on salads. Add a few radishes and cucumbers to your next wrap to add crunch, hydration and nutrients. Toss a handful of bell pepper into a bowl of soup to give it extra zing.

7. Swap Coffee for Herbal Tea — Sometimes  

Don’t worry — coffee can be beneficial to your health when you drink it in moderation. There’s no need to give up your morning wake-up magic. However, you should encourage yourself and those you love to sneak in a cup of green or herbal tea in between joes.  

Green tea is packed with antioxidants that do everything from making your skin less wrinkle-prone to protecting your cardiovascular health. Many herbs provide various benefits. Valerian, for example, is a reliable sleep aid when used each night, and adaptogens like ashwagandha can help you weather daily stresses with ease.

Now that the world is gradually reopening after the pandemic, if you are looking for a healthier night out with friends, kava bars are opening all over the place. In these bars, you can find alternatives to alcohol or coffee, so find one near you and make it your new healthy hangout.

8. Transform Your Bedroom Into a Restful Oasis 

If you take your laptop to bed with you, please stop that habit immediately. Invest in a super cozy sherpa throw if you must stay up late on cold evenings, but finish your work at the kitchen table.  

The blue light from electronics messes with melatonin, a sleep hormone, and thus, your circadian rhythms. The bottom line — working in bed makes it harder to sleep. Instead, ban electronics, invest in a standard (non-digital) alarm clock and save the room for slumber and sex. You’ll enjoy your cozy bed all the more when you don’t associate it with tossing and turning.

Please Encourage These 8 Health Habits in the New Year 

You don’t have to resolve to do anything dramatic to improve your well-being. When you encourage the eight health habits above, you’ll be well on your way to a stronger mind and body. In addition to healthy habits, you should keep up to date on your medication if you are taking any. If you need to order more medication, consider buying from an online pharmacy such as Express Pharmacy.