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A Dad's Guide to Preventing Back Pain

When you’re bad, your back does a lot of work. From carrying your kids in when they’re babies, to giving them piggyback rides or getting their own on the floor to build Legos with them as they get a bit older. 

That’s why it is so important that you take good care of your back. Doing so will ensure that you are able to give your kids airplane rides and piggybacks, play sports with them, and generally get on with being a good dad without that searing pain.

Sure, you can medicate with painkillers, pain-relieving creams like Hondrostrong, or even natural remedies like CBD when you have a bad back, and they can offer great relief, but you never quite feel confident enough to do the dad things you used to when you know it could hurt your back more, which is why prevention really is better than cure.

With that in mind, here are some top tips for preventing back pain when you're an active dad:

Maintain good posture

Whether you are working at your computer, walking in the park with the kids, or running around the yard playing a crazy game with the little ones, try to hold yourself properly with your head held high and no slouching. This will ensure that no undue pressure is placed on your back, which means you are less likely to develop issues in that area.


It is always a good idea, before you do anything active, even if it is just playing Football in the yard with the kids, that you take the time to stretch and warm up your body. When you do this, you prepare your muscles for activity, so pulls and strains are not as likely to happen.

Use your legs to lift

Whether you are lifting up your toddler for a ride on your shoulders or you’re lifting a heavy piece of equipment around the house, be sure to maintain a straight back, bend your knees and use your legs to power your lifts. This, again, will ensure that no undue pressure is placed on your back which could put you out of daddy action for who knows how long.

Take deep breaths

When you are getting active with the kids, it is a good idea to take deep[ breaths in and out. Why? Because doing so helps to relax your body, which means you will loosen up and be less tense, and when yous body is less tense, injuries are less likely to be an issue for you.

Teach the kids to be careful

You can do everything right and still hurt your back if the kids jump onto it too hard during a game or whatever it might be, so teach the kids how to be safe when having fun, and you will all benefit in the long-term by playing without strains and bumps and bruises.

Look after your back and you will be able to have tons more pain-free fun with your kids for many years to come!