Every Thing For Dads

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Anti-Aging Tips For Stressed Out Dads

Ever wondered why some men your age look younger than you do? It's probably because they aren't parents. Having kids, despite the many joys they can bring you, can also lead to untold amounts of stress. The moment they are born, the worry begins. And as has become scientifically proven, the more stressed and anxious you feel, the quicker the ageing process. Not only will stress take its toll on your face and skin complexion, but it can also affect your cognitive abilities. Oh, and your hair may fall out too. Depressing, we know.


Fear not, as we are here to help. We have some anti-aging tips in this article to help you. While our advice won't solve your stresses with your kids, it will alleviate some of the effects that stress can cause.



The first thing you need to do is care for your skin. While women have been doing this for (probably) centuries, you should start exfoliating and moisturizing your skin. Don't use your partner's products, however, as your skin is thicker and harder than women's, so look for products that better suit your face. Check the following linked website for products, including men's face wash for dull skin, age defender cleansers, and energizing scrubs, or check out your local store for the relevant products, and implement a skin care regimen that gives your face a fighting chance against stress.


Then start eating a good diet. Some foods, especially those containing high amounts of fat and sugar can be bad for your complexion. So, cut out the takeouts, processed meals, and unhealthy snacks that you may be consuming on a daily basis. Replace them with fruit, vegetables, nuts, and dark chocolate (to give you your chocolate fix), and you will receive the nutrients needed for good skin health. And don't forget our top foods for hair growth, because as we said, stress is a leading factor for many men losing their once flowing locks.


Cut out of all your bad habits too. Drinking lots of caffeine, smoking, and consuming alcohol, all have an effect on your skin. These bad habits dry out your skin, cause discoloration, and can cause wrinkles. Of course, your health is affected in other ways by these terrible habits, so do all you can to give them up. It's not easy we know, but think of your good looks, as well as your family who want you around for as long as possible.


Remember to exercise. Unfortunately, lifting the remote control or walking upstairs to the loo, do not qualify for your daily exercise quota. There are plenty of fun ways to exercise if you aren't already keeping fit, so do such things as playing games outdoors with the kids, walk the dog more, or pick up a motion-sensored video games console and exercise from the comfort of your living room. Regular exercise increases your blood flow, allows essential nutrients into your skin, and gives you a rush of endorphins to lower your stress level.

Try quality supplements for pain, depression and anxiety. Even Mother Nature needs some help to protect your mind, body, and spirit - check out the infographic below for excellent information to help you overcome such issues, all naturally::

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These are common sense tips we know, but if you're guilty of bad habits, and are feeling and seeing the effects of stress on your face, mind, and body, then it's time to do something about the problem. You can't slow down time, but you can take steps to make yourself look and feel younger.