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Becoming A Parent Through Adoption: 3 Things To Know

Parenthood is a huge responsibility. It’s not just about wanting a child; it’s about preparing to raise an individual with love and patience. Adoption is a choice not only by couples struggling with fertility, but also by all types of individuals who want to raise a child as their own, even as a solo parent.

Becoming a parent through adoption can be challenging at times. There are legal, as well as emotional processes you have to go through.

Here are three things you need to know about becoming a parent through adoption:

1. Reaching Out To A Family Lawyer

Adoption is a complex process. You need a lawyer who works in this specific field. In finding the right family lawyer to help you, search for one with the following qualifications:

  • Specializes in adoption

  • Licensed in the state where you plan to adopt

  • Proven experience in resolving family-related issues

  • Prioritizes traditional and non-traditional families (LGBTQ+ couples & singles)

Hiring a family lawyer is essential to ensure your compliance with the requirements of the state. Also, your attorney will be the one to pass the petition to the court and represent you during the adoption hearing.

Moreover, you’ll also need support on getting the consent of the adoptee’s legal guardians. This consent may be provided by the adoptee’s birth parents or the adoption agency. Depending on the circumstances, you may only need one of the two.

Your attorney will be your guide through the tedious process of adoption, so it’s best to find one who highly values family and children’s welfare.

2. Meeting All The Requirements

In some states, the adoption requirements aren’t that strict. As long as you’re financially, mentally, and physically capable of raising a child, you may be qualified.

Contrary to the norm, married couples who are incapable of having a biological child aren’t the only ones who can adopt. Adoption is also open for same-sex couples and even singles, provided they meet all the following criteria:

  • At least 21 years old

  • Has a house, whether rented or owned

  • With proven financial and health capabilities

  • Ready to commit to the full-time responsibilities of parenthood

  • Never been convicted of any violent crimes, especially involving minors

Along the adoption process, you’ll undergo home studies. These will be conducted either by the adoption agency or a social worker. During this assessment, your home will be visited and inspected if it’s suited for a child. If you have family members living in your home, they’ll also be interviewed to reassure they support the adoption.

You may also seek the advice of your hired lawyer in preparation for the home studies. Even though you’re confident about the assessment, you might still need to prepare for it to avoid unexpected issues.

3. Re-Assessing Your Readiness

The whole adoption process may be difficult at times, but if you’re truly ready to become a parent, you won’t give up.

Before going through all the complications of adoption, you must re-assess your reasons for adopting a child. Remember, this is a life-long commitment, so you can’t just go for it one day then give up when it gets hard.

Aside from all the legal requirements you have to prepare, the major preparation happens within yourself.

  • For Singles And First-Time Parents

If you’re a first-time parent, expect to make adjustments in your lifestyle. It requires a lot of sacrifices to raise a child. Anticipate drastic changes from your eating and sleeping habits to how you view adult life in general.

You may expect your night-outs and me-times to become a rare occasion, especially if you’re adopting an infant or a toddler. You’ll need to childproof every corner of your home to double the safety precautions. Plus, expect a house full of joy, and a room full of toys.

  • For Couples Who Have Gone Through Heartbreaks

If you’re a couple who just lost a child or have gone through miscarriage, make sure you’ve taken enough time to grieve and heal. The pain you’ve experienced isn’t something to be pushed aside.

When you take a child into your home, you take them in your heart. It should be joy, not sadness, that motivates you to take care of that precious life.

  • For Anyone Who Wants To Be A Parent

You have to mentally prepare yourself for the child’s future. The child will grow up to be an adult with their own aspirations and values. Are you ready to accept them as they are? Will you let them choose who they want to be and love them anyway? If yes, then your heart and mind are in the right place.

Take A Breath And Take The Leap

Gather all your strength, patience, and determination as you leap into parenthood. It’s going to be a tough and rough journey for you, but in your heart, you’ll know it’s worth it.

As you raise your child in love, from the comfort of your arms to the challenges in the real world, you’ll know you made the right decision. It’s the bravest and greatest thing to do—to love a life and let it grow.