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Dadpreneurs, Here Are Reasons Why Blogging Is Good For Your Business

These days the internet can provide myriad ways for a dadpreneur to market his business. Everyone is bombarded with supposedly easy ways to market your business online. But one way of growing your business in the long term for relatively low-cost is to use your word skills and to blog – you should start your own business blog now. Here is why: 

There is a huge demand for blog content from businesses, and if you run your own business you may already know the importance of driving web traffic to your business’ website. To place this in perspective, 80% of web users regularly read blog posts. The blog posts keep the visitors engaged, so they stay on your site for longer, making it more likely that they will engage with you and your business, leading to that all important sale of your product or service. 

So it is well worth the investment of your time and effort to keep your business blog active and full of interesting content that is targeted towards your target marketplace.  

Always keep your content relevant, helpful (provide solutions to your readers’ problems or pain points), and do not make it all about how great you or your business are. prospective redares will not just want to hear about why you are successful – they want to know how you got it. Make 80% of your content informational and the other 20% promotional (but never oversell). 

In this way, you will build a loyal following, and you and your business will become more prominent in Google search results, so customers will find you more easily. 

For great information about the reasons why you should blog for business in 2020, see the infographic below, and do share your best blogging tips in the comments below

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