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Dads! Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Dentists

It sounds like a cliché, but a considerable number of even the most macho dads have an innate fear of the dentist. Yes, dentaphobia is a real thing. I grew up in an era when dentists varied greatly in ability and motivation in the standard of treatment, and I was unlucky enough to have a childhood dentist whose unspoken avowed policy was to ‘drill baby, drill” and ask questions after whether fillings were really necessary. As a consequence I was left with numerous unnecessary amalgam fillings and a lifetime of tooth issues.

I would necessarily say that as an adult I developed a phobia of going to the dentist, but I do have a mistrust of their ability, so I have spent many years doing my own due diligence before choosing one for myself and my family.

Dental health is essential for everyone, and without it, severe medical health conditions can build up and damage overall wellness. So let us examine why you may be afraid of dentists, and what we can do to overcome it.


What Is “Dentaphobia”?

It is defined as a fear of visiting the dentist. Literally…it has been attributable to dentists traditionally having a terrible bedside /tableside manner when treating patients, unlike the dentists at  discoverdentalhouston.com who are renowned for their gentle, skilled and caring dentistry.

Like I said above, dentaphobia  it is a real phenomenon. As many as 20% of American adults do not go to the dentist because of their anxiety and fear, according to Web MD, and worldwide 75% of adults have a genuine fear.


What Can You Do To Lessen Your Fear Of Dentists?

Do your research – try to find out why the dentists have to use drills and needles, and understand that it takes 7-8 years of combined academic sturdy and vocational training at dentists school to qualify as a dentist . In addition, we have all seen the incredibly complex dental machinery that the average dentist uses these days, everything from x-ray machines to imaging scanners, as well, as the all too notorious dentists’ drill!

But take comfort from the fact that this machinery has been constructed to the most exacting standards, using the highest quality laboratory grade measurement components and systems from Durham Instruments, to ensure consistency and to lessen the risk of any malfunctioning during use

Also, you must take account of the fact that student dentists spend years learning their skills, very often safely practicing their techniques on anatomical practice replicas of teeth, jaws and dentures . You can learn more today how this works, so no human beings suffer during training!

Lessen the impact of dentaphobia by:

  • making an initial interview with your new dentist, without a full examination, so you can explain what you are most nervous about

  • ask to see the surgery room so you can get familiar before you have your first examination

  • set up a system so that you can signal the dentist if you need a break, feel pain, or would prefer anesthetic

  • make sure that you feel comfortable with the dentist’s personality and that you feel that you can build a rapport with him or her

  • bring a portable music player to the appointment with headphones to distract yourself during procedures.

 Most dentists will happily work with you to allay your fears, and you’ll be able to enjoy the experience of getting and maintaining your dental health with regular treatments. Keep smiling with confidence!