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First-Aid Fundamentals: 5 First-Aid Facts Every Business Owner Should Know

Whether you have your own corporate space or operate out of coworking offices and collaborative workspaces, ensuring the health and safety of your team and customers is paramount. Accidents and medical emergencies can happen unexpectedly in any workplace, making it essential for business owners to be prepared to handle first aid situations effectively. 

Whether it's a minor injury or a life-threatening emergency, having a solid understanding of first aid fundamentals can make a significant difference in the outcome. With this in mind, here are five first-aid facts that every business owner should know:

Basic Life Support (BLS) Saves Lives

Basic Life Support (BLS) techniques are critical in emergencies. BLS includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to restore breathing and circulation in individuals experiencing cardiac arrest. 

Prompt initiation of BLS can significantly improve the chances of survival in cardiac arrest cases. So, as a business owner, you have a duty of care to ensure someone in your workplace is trained in BLS techniques and that AEDs are readily accessible. 

Know How to Recognize Signs of Stroke and Heart Attack

Strokes and heart attacks are medical emergencies that require immediate attention. As a business owner, it's crucial to educate yourself and your employees on the signs and symptoms of stroke and heart attack, which include sudden weakness or numbness, difficulty speaking, chest pain, and shortness of breath. 

Encourage employees to seek medical assistance promptly if they or their coworkers exhibit any of these symptoms. Quick recognition and early intervention can improve outcomes for individuals experiencing stroke or heart attack.

Stop the Bleed

If not addressed right away, uncontrolled bleeding can be life-threatening. The Stop the Bleed campaign emphasizes the importance of bystander intervention in controlling bleeding until professional help arrives. 

Business owners should equip their workplaces with bleeding control kits containing essential supplies such as tourniquets, gauze, and pressure dressings. Additionally, providing employees with training on how to recognize and respond to bleeding emergencies can empower them to take action and potentially save lives.

Create an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

An Emergency Action Plan (EAP)) equips you to jump right into action in the event of a medical emergency, natural disaster, or other crisis situation. A comprehensive EAP should outline procedures for responding to various emergencies, including evacuation routes, designated assembly areas, and protocols for contacting emergency services. 

Ensure all employees are familiar with your company’s EAP, and conduct regular drills to practice emergency response procedures. By having a well-defined EAP in place, you can minimize chaos and confusion during emergencies and facilitate a coordinated response.

Provide First-Aid Training

Equipping employees with first aid knowledge and skills is crucial for enhancing workplace safety and preparedness. Consider providing first aid training courses – such as those offered by the American Red Cross and other accredited organizations – to employees at all levels of your organization. 

Training should cover essential first-aid techniques, emergency response protocols, and the use of first-aid supplies and equipment. Empowering employees with the confidence and competence to administer first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of medical emergencies in the workplace. Back this up with collaboration skills training, and you’ll have a team that’s ready to tackle any challenges that come their way. 

Investing in these first-aid preparedness steps should enhance workplace safety while demonstrating your commitment to the well-being of everyone in the workplace. With nothing to lose and so much to gain, these potentially life-saving steps are well worth the effort.