Every Thing For Dads

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6 Healthy Choices All Dads Can Make

© Chernetskaya | Dreamstime.com

Living a healthy lifestyle is for everyone — dads included. Self-care has come heavily into trend recently, but much of the focus is directed toward moms and women in parenting circles. Taking care of your health in a well-rounded way is important for dads just like it is for moms. In order to be the best parent you can be, and the best version of you all around, you have to step up to the plate and pay attention to your needs — body, mind and spirit included.

Parents often let their health take a backseat when caring for their kids and families, especially dads. In many ways, there's still a stigma around men practicing self care and taking their wellness seriously. But health and wellness is for anyone, because everybody can benefit from taking a bit of extra time to make sure their health is in check.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

One of the first steps in leading a healthier lifestyle for anyone is to examine the food you eat. You don't have to overhaul your entire pantry overnight. Nobody's asking you to convert to broccoli and kale salads for every meal. But you can begin to make smaller changes and eat a few healthier foods throughout the day to change your diet for the better. 

Eating even one healthy meal each day can help you maintain better energy levels, build strength and boost your immune system. This is in line with going for regular health check-ups with a good medical professional - for example, If you need a recommendation, check out this dentist in San ramon.

2. Get into a Skincare Routine

Contrary to popular belief, skincare is not just for the ladies. Men need skincare too. Think of it more like brushing your teeth and coming your hair, less like makeup. Really, it's a part of grooming yourself. Simply finding a face wash and moisturizer that work for your skin can make a huge difference. You'll probably notice the glow in no time, and your face will feel so much better.

Using a daily SPF in the mornings is also important, as it helps protect from sun damage and skin cancer, because UV rays don't discriminate.

3. Plan for the Future

While it isn't always fun to think about, doing your homework to get your affairs in order for the future can help you experience peace of mind for yourself and your family. Are you saving for your kids' college education? Are you saving for retirement? Do you have a will? Have you looked into life insurance? These things seem far off in the future until one day, they're right in front of you.

The beginning steps for these processes are often much simpler than they seem. You can even get life insurance without getting a medical exam, and saving a little extra money can start simply by adjusting your savings goals. A little extra housekeeping in those departments can help you remain at ease and set your family up for success. 

4. Look After Your Mental Health

Mental health care can look different for everybody. Whether you take up mental healthcare practices like journaling and meditation, or you take more formal measures like seeing a therapist or counselor when you need one, keeping up with your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Even little things can make a difference. 

Everyone needs to rest, lean on their support system and process their feelings from time to time. Paying attention to these needs can help you lift your happiness and lead a healthier existence.

5. Get Enough Sleep

When you're tired, you can't function at your best. And when you make a habit of hitting the hay too late or simply not getting enough sleep, it can begin to take a heavy toll. Your moods, emotions and cognitive functions are contingent upon your sleep habits, and getting into a regular sleep schedule can help you get your regular 7-8 hours.

Sometimes, it can be easier to let restlessness get the best of you by working or doing other tasks well into the night, but settling into a solid routine and putting screens away before bed can help you get quality, restful sleep to recharge you for the next morning.

6. Drink Your Water

It can be easy to forget to hydrate, especially when you're busy with work, kids and household tasks. But drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining your energy levels, brain function, bodily health and even your mood. Water can get rid of headaches, help with digestion and generally help you feel better in your body.

Keeping a water bottle on you and starting off each day with a tall glass of water before you drink your tea or coffee can help hydrate you all throughout your day. 

Step Up to Health

Health and wellness is important for everyone, and as a dad, you want to show up your best and set a good example for your little ones. Everyone is different, but finding habits that work for you is key in living a happy, healthy lifestyle for years to come.