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How Businesses Can Get Ahead By Making Payments Easier And More Secure

A business is only as good as its accounting system. Then, a part of this is how it accepts its payments. In the past, this would only be in cash. Today, we have a lot of alternatives to consider. At the end of the day, though, it is the customer that will dictate which payment methods a business will need to accept. This is because they can simply go elsewhere.

A good system for a business to consider for processing credit card payments can be found by visiting the website https://www.easypaydirect.com/. Easy Pay Direct is a flexible means of payment in that the terminal can be moved around to accept payment wherever the machine is positioned, rather than where a business is based.  So, let us explore how it works alongside other ways a business can make accepting its payments easier and more secure.

Easy Pay Direct

The clue is in the name. The beauty of Easy Pay Direct terminals is that they will allow businesses to accept payments, such as those from credit cards, whether they are from in-store customers, at a venue away from the normal shop and premises, or via an online purchaser. This means that no customers will be missed out when it comes to how they can pay. So, it has to be a good decision to have one of these systems installed. Although, installed is not the right word because the device is portable. So, let us say, have an account signed up with Easy Pay Direct.

Merchants who are considered a higher risk to credit card processing companies in terms of their types of transactions will be catered for by Easy Pay Direct providing them with special types of accounts that take account of the fact. They are not a reflection on a business but more on its type of customer and where they are likely to pay from. Those who are likely to pay remotely, so are not presenting their credit card in person, will be thought of as a higher risk. So too will those customers who request a higher number of refunds than is normal. Also, where businesses are likely to be subject to a lot of fraudulent transactions where credit cards are forged and identities are stolen. The fact is accounts that cater to merchants where the risks of suspect transactions are higher, be it because of their customers, are designed for the more unusual and so potentially fraudulent activities to be detected more easily. It is a way of effectively managing riskier transactions for credit card processing companies.

As a testament to Easy Pay Direct, they have something like 60,000 merchants who use their platform. So, a business can find itself left behind in terms of its competitors if they are the odd one out not using what customers are likely to expect is used as a payment collection system. If you are a business and still undecided, it is a good idea to look at some online testimonials from businesses and customers. Alternatively, ask another business. Possibly not a competitor but a similar trading situation to see how they have found the scheme. If they have been using it for a while and attracting customers then the question need not be asked.

Offering Credit to Customers

One way to attract customers is to make things easier to afford outright by allowing customers to settle an account at the end of the month. That will be when their salary is paid into the bank. Many people do not have surplus bank balances and rely on their salary month to month to afford things.

Alternatively, as a business, you do not have to risk being the one owed money when credit cards can perform the same function of giving customers the credit they need. All you need then is to embrace a credit card merchant account and have yourself a terminal that can be moved around the shop to where it is needed.

Always Having the Right Change and Securing Cash

If you run a business that sells products, for example, it is unlikely to have customers pay as you would like them to. Many will insist on paying in cash and always will. That is fine. Having a credit card system for the majority still reduces the amount a business has to handle in cash which then needs adding up and banking at the end of the day, or even several times during the day for security reasons. What it does not take away is the need for change still. A tip here is to offer to help out fellow traders with notes and coins in return for them offering the same service to you. It may save a trip to the bank and help you out when you are short-staffed.

Secure Payments

Lowering the amount of cash you receive by offering credit card methods of payment should not only help with change but also limit the possibility of staff being tempted to steal from a till when it is going to be harder for them because there is less cash around. It can never be a bad idea to take the temptation away when times are hard financially.

Then there is the theft risk from thieves unknown to a business. Inland pirates, as you might like to call them. How you manage your money can make or prevent you from being a target for theft as a business. One approach is to offer alternative more secure methods of payment, such as encouraging customers to pay by credit card. Regularly moving money from the till to a safe or banking it promptly and several times a day, will reduce the amount of cash available at any one time to steal. There are things that you can do to secure your payments.

Credit card payments are more secure than many perhaps believe. Credit card processors work tirelessly to detect fraudulent transactions to protect everyone involved in the process.

So, payments can be made easier by embracing merchant accounts with credit card companies and having a mobile terminal. The credit that in the past was offered to customers can still happen to make things easier for them, although becomes unnecessary when it is taken care of by credit cards being accepted as payment. Companies to a lesser extent have to worry about providing change when they can encourage their customers to pay by credit card. Payments this way are considered more secure for many reasons. They take away the theft risk of cash hanging around and fraudulent transactions are highly likely to be spotted these days. This means that it makes good financial and marketing sense to apply for a merchant account and have a credit card machine such as those available under the Easy Pay Direct scheme.