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How Dogs Can Help With Mental Health

There is no doubt that the bond between humans and animals is powerful, but there are bigger benefits to our health of owning a pet than most people think. According to a study back in 2015, more than 95% of all pet owners think that their animal is a member of the family. In fact, most of them cannot last a day separated from their pet. And it even seems dogs know this as there are countless stories of dogs knowing when they're dying and politely signaling to their owners that it's time to say goodbye. It's not surprising then that pets and mental health go hand in hand.

There are many benefits that come from owning a dog and there are many proven health benefits of owning a dog such as help with depression and anxiety.

That’s why in today’s article we will dive even deeper and find out more about the mental health benefits of owning a dog.

Scientific Facts

The first pet research and its impact on our mental health were published more than 30 years ago and showed us some surprising results for that time. Alan Beck who was a psychologist and Aaron Katcher a child psychiatrist conducted a study that showed that dog owners have:

·         Lower blood pressure

·         Slower heart rate

·         Consistent breathing

·         Less muscle tension

Dogs Lower Stress Hormones

Studies over the years have also shown us that playing with your dog reduces stress-related hormones. Such benefits can be found after at least five minutes of interacting with your pet, therefore dogs are very helpful for people who suffer from anxiety.

Playing with a dog raises our levels of serotonin and dopamine which are hormones that relax and calm our nervous system. When we smile or laugh at our dog’s cute behavior, these hormones are stimulated and we feel more relaxed.

Additionally, interacting with our pet reduces levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and increases the release of oxytocin which is another chemical used to balance out stress.

Lowers Anxiety

Unfortunately, in this modern age, there are many people who suffer from anxiety and the shocking fact is that most of them are children.

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where 643 children participated in the study and half of them owned a dog, gives us interesting results. They measured children’s BMI (body mass index) anxiety levels and physical activity.

They found out that most children had similar BMIs and physical activity but there was a significant difference in their anxiety levels of all the children that owned a dog.

Therefore, dogs have a positive effect on childhood stress and anxiety and there is a greater chance that children growing up with a dog to become happier teens.

Our Dogs Make Us Feel Needed

The positive feeling needed is crucial for staying positive and happy. Most people who suffer from depression feel left out of the world, and pets can bring back the purpose and meaning in life.

The act of taking care of another being comes with many positive benefits to our mental health and reduces depression.

Dogs Increase Our Sense of Well-Being and Self-Esteem

One of the best ways to improve your mood is by changing the way you see yourself and improving your well-being. In a study done in 2015 by the American Psychological Association, we found that that pet owners had improved well-being in different areas, such as:

·         Better self-esteem

·         Staying more physically fit

·         Feeling less lonely

·         Feeling less fearful

·         More conscientious and less preoccupied

Dogs Help Us Build Healthy Habits

Physical and mental health go together and daily habits have a direct impact on how we feel in our body. Dogs somehow force us to healthier habits like getting up in the morning, going in nature, staying more physically active and etc.

All of these healthy habits play an important role in our physical and mental health.

Final Words

Obviously, there are many mental benefits that come from owning a dog. It is also a good idea for times like these just so you can get your mind off certain things and focus more on buying the right nutrients for your dog, taking him or her for a walk, and playing with them.

Remember, your dog’s health is just as important as yours so make sure you read more about canine nutrition and healthy dog food before you decide to get a dog.

Either way, dogs are great for boosting your mood and can bring you a ton of mental health benefits, so you’d feel happier.