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How To Address Stress When It’s Impacting Your Skin

While the effects of injectables like BOTOX® always eventually wear off, there are some elements and situations that can cause its effects to fade even more quickly, so it can be helpful to be aware of what to avoid when you want your smoother skin to last as long as possible. Your skin is routinely impacted by external stressors like UV rays, and there are also numerous internal factors, such as the impacts of stress, that create problems. Whether you just want to enjoy healthier and clearer skin with fewer breakouts in the long-term or want to prolong the effects of in-office cosmetic treatments like BOTOX®, Naples’ Skin Wellness Physicians explains that managing your stress levels may be the key.

There are two main types of stress: There’s acute stress that we occasionally encounter during everyday life but is temporary—such as when you have a critical deadline to meet—and there’s chronic stress, which lasts for an extended duration and may never seem to go away.

Along with dealing with COVID-19 rules and lockdowns this past year, many people may also be experiencing autumn anxiety. This an uneasy feeling that can develop during the busy September-to-December period when we have less daylight, a new school year begins, flu season is in full swing, and the holidays demand intense planning, scheduling, and other decisions.

When too much of a stress hormone called cortisol builds up in the bloodstream for weeks, months, or even years, it affects our skin in the following ways:

·         A tendency to scowl or frown, which causes the muscles you’re trying to relax with BOTOX® to contract more

·         Increased inflammation that causes bumps, hives, fever blisters, rashes, and acne flare-ups

·         Increased production of oil, causing the pores to become blocked and resulting in worse acne breakouts

·         Drier and more easily irritated skin because it doesn’t hold hydration as well due to increased transepidermal water loss

·         Thinner-looking skin because cortisol damages the amino acids in collagen

·         Delayed healing for skin problems

·         Loss of skin elasticity and sleep deprivation that causes bags, puffiness, or swelling around the eyelids

·         Changes to the proteins that make up the skin and an increased likelihood of wrinkles

·         Sore lips from constant chewing when you’re stressed

·         Temporary face flushing

·         Worsened symptoms of chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema

Note that being tired and stressed also makes it more likely for you to skip your normal skin care routine, leading to other skin issues.

Want to reduce stress and promote healthier skin? While we can’t entirely remove all types of stress from our lives, it’s possible to reverse some skin damage if you finally get your stress levels under control. Even if you’re going through a difficult period, make sure to devote time to caring for your skin. Exercising regularly promotes circulation, reduces toxins in the skin and helps to manage stress levels.

Be sure to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night, as a lack of sleep contributes to higher cortisol levels, meaning that your skin will suffer. Taking time for yourself to do things you enjoy each day also helps you to feel less pressured. Additionally, you can use other types of stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, or visual imagery that may help you to avoid negative thoughts. If it’s a stressful time and you’re trying to avoid acne breakouts, don’t use any skincare products with ingredients that could potentially irritate the skin during your daily regimen. Instead, focus on adding back in hydration.

For more information on injectable wrinkle treatments like BOTOX®, contact Naples’ Skin Wellness Physicians if you’re hoping to reduce wrinkles and make your skin look more youthful. To set up a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist, call their office at (239) 732-0044 or send them a message to request an appointment.