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How To Choose The Right Safety Razor For A Good, Clean Shave

When it comes to shaving, a lot of people prefer using a safety razor due to the countless benefits it offers. From helping you get a better close shave to preventing ingrown hair to decreasing skin irritation, a safety razor performs better than other types of razors. This is because a safety razor has a single blade, so it ultimately protects your skin every time you use it.

Although finding the right safety razor can be challenging, it becomes easier once you know what you should be looking for in the first place. Just like other shaving products, there are different kinds of safety razors on the market. Not all safety razors are designed to work in the same way. Hence, if your safety razor isn’t delivering the results you want, it may mean you’re not using the most suitable one for your needs.

Here are five tips on how to select a safety razor that will work for you:

1. Consider Your Skin Type

Understanding your skin type will go a long way in helping you choose the perfect safety razor. Safety razors are designed with that factor in mind since not everyone has the same skin type. If you have sensitive skin or are new to shaving, it’s advisable to start with a mild razor rather than an aggressive one. Aggressive blades can give you nicks and cuts easily if you don’t know how to use them or if your skin finds them too harsh.

You can differentiate mild and aggressive razors by paying attention to the blade gap when purchasing your safety razor. The gap between the blade and the safety bar will determine how aggressive or mild your razor is. Basically, the wider the gap, the more aggressive the shave will be because more of the razor is exposed.

The right safety razor will ensure your skin’s safety while providing you with an amazing shaving experience every time. If you’re not sure where to start, you can get a stainless steel safety razor from shavingtime.co.uk and similar websites.

2. Check The Blade’s Smoothness

It may seem like a sharp razor is guaranteed to give you excellent results, but this isn’t always true. Even though a sharp safety razor requires fewer shaving strokes, don’t overlook the smoothness of the blade. A rough blade will only make your shaving routine incredibly frustrating while giving you unsightly nicks and cuts. 

With a smooth blade, you can achieve a flawless shave effortlessly as it won’t irritate your skin. What’s more, this will help you make the most of your other shaving tools, such as the traditional shaving cream.

The importance of a smooth blade can’t be overemphasized. If you experience severe irritation after shaving, consider opting for a safety razor with a smoother blade. Even if you might need to apply more pressure when using your safety razor, a smooth blade will be gentle on your skin, and it allows for more control.

3. Remember That Razor Weight And Handle Matter

The right razor weight and handle will let you have a precise shave. These features affect the overall quality of a shave in that they give you better control over and better balance with the blade.

When shopping for your safety razor, pay attention to the weight because this’ll impact its performance. Choose a heavyweight razor for an optimal shaving experience. If the safety razor feels too light, you may not be able to control it well. The trick to achieving precision when shaving is to allow the razor’s weight to help with the shaving rather than applying more pressure on it.

Also, the handle of your safety razor matters a lot, especially when reaching the curvier parts of your face is involved. It contributes to the overall weight and determines how balanced the razor will be in your hand. Always go for the one that gives you a good grip. And even if the handle length doesn’t really affect the quality of the shave, it can provide you with comfort. Pick up the razor to determine if the length is fine for the size of your hand.

4. Select Your Preferred Razor Head 

The razor head is another factor to consider when looking for a safety razor. There’re different types of heads: mainly, they can be grouped into adjustable and fixed razor heads.

A fixed razor head has a blade that can’t be adjusted. It also comes with a closed or open comb. An open comb has more blade exposure than a close comb. You’ll definitely feel the difference between them as an open comb is typically aggressive. A close comb is excellent for sensitive skin due to its mild nature, reducing bumps, cuts, and irritation.

An adjustable safety razor head allows users to adjust the amount of blade that’ll be visible when shaving. If you feel your razor’s too aggressive for you, you can easily adjust it to your unique shaving needs. It’s almost like you're able to customize your shaving blade. However, it’s not considered safe for a first-time user because it’s likely that they won’t set it properly and end up nicking themselves. A more experienced person will get better use of it because they’d know how to adjust it according to the shaving style they want.

5. Determine The Quality Of The Safety Razor

Paying attention to the quality of your safety razor will impact the result you’ll get. The right razor for you may not come at a cheap price, but you’ll find that it’s worth it in the long run. As with many other products, the higher the quality of the razor, the higher its price is. Of course, the cost isn’t the only factor you should take into account.

You also have to observe your skin features, hair texture, and reaction to the razors you’ve been using in the past to be able to lay your hands on a good safety razor. In addition, read reviews online before going for a particular option to understand how effective it’s been for other people.

Finding the best safety razor may involve trial and error as well. If you’re loyal to a particular brand, their customer service staff may be able to provide you with product recommendations or techniques to help minimize your errors.


Choosing a safety razor that matches your needs and preferences can be a daunting task, but your efforts will surely pay off in the end. Apart from allowing for a good, clean shave, the right safety razor reduces the common issues people encounter when shaving with other razor types. Be sure to follow the guidelines listed above in order to get a product that will help you achieve smooth results.