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Manhood With No Restraints: 5 Things To Keep In Mind If You Want To Grow A Thicker Beard

Not all men are blessed with the right genetics to start growing a perfect beard without any outside help, but that doesn't mean all men can't grow thick, luxurious facial hair. In fact, most men find that factors like improper skin care and poor diet have more of an impact on beard growth than genetics. Read on to find out about what men need to know if they want to grow a thick beard worthy of respect.

Develop a Better Skincare Routine

Healthy skin provides a solid foundation for a thick, healthy beard. Without healthy skin, beards get itchy and men choose to cut them before their time, so this step can't be ignored.

Start with regular face cleaning to stimulate circulation, open up pores, and remove the dead skin cells to blame for itchy ingrown hair. A good moisturizer is also key since it keeps the skin and hair follicles healthy and able to produce luxuriant growth.

Choosing the right skincare products can be hard for men since there's a lot of misinformation out there and few men want to spend the time thinking about and researching skincare options. There's nothing inherently feminine about wanting healthy skin, though, and there are plenty of products out there specifically designed for men that are formulated to support beard growth. Check out options from bossmanbrand.com to get the search started off on the right foot.

Get a DHT Boost

Most men know that testosterone (T) levels help to determine beard growth. DHT, short for dihydrotestosterone, is an androgenic hormone also known to play an important role in the production of facial hair, but it's not as well-known. Men who want to grow thick, admirable beards can boost their bodies' production of both T and DHT naturally or they can take supplements that increase levels of androgenic hormones.

Men who produce low levels of DHT produce small vellus hair instead of androgenic hair on their faces, leaving their beards looking scraggly or even non-existent. If those who struggle with low T or DHT can increase hormone production, their hair follicles can naturally start sprouting larger, thicker, darker-pigmented beard hair. Here are a few ways to boost DHT and T naturally:

  • Get more sleep.

  • Take a multivitamin that contains vitamin D and zinc.

  • Lift weights.

  • Increase carbohydrate intake.

Address Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can suppress testosterone production, which makes it harder to grow a thick beard. The best way to address vitamin and mineral deficiencies is to eat a healthy, balanced, nutrient-rich diet, which means eating a lot of different kinds of healthy foods. Try to balance meat and dairy with dark, leafy greens, root vegetables, and different-colored fruits.

Those who know they are deficient in one or more particular nutrients can also take supplements. Even if they follow healthy diets, men who have severe vitamin or mineral deficiencies may need some extra help. Check the labels on multivitamins to make sure they contain the right micronutrients or look for a specialty supplement produced by a reputable manufacturer.

One thing to watch out for is "beard supplements." While there is scientific evidence that nutrients like biotin and zinc can help to strengthen keratin infrastructure and create thicker hair growth, most beard supplements are overpriced and some may not even contain sufficient quantities of these nutrients to make a difference. Instead of risking nutrient imbalances or wasting money on ineffective products, men who want thicker beards should take individual supplements or proven multivitamins.

Reduce Stress

Chronic stress increases cortisol production. This stress hormone negatively impacts testosterone and DHT production and can constrict blood vessels, making it harder for hair follicles to get the nutrients they need to produce healthy, thick androgenic hair.

Everyone experiences bouts of acute stress, but those facing chronic stress should take steps to mitigate it. The first step is to get more sleep because sufficient sleep both reduces stress and improves facial hair growth.

Dietary changes and lifestyle changes like drinking less, working less, or practicing mindfulness can all help to reduce problems with chronic stress, so give those a shot. Men who stress less will have both better beards and better lives. It's really a win-win solution.

Let it Grow

Many men make the mistake of cutting their beards too early. Even the best beard won't reach its full potential for at least four weeks since individual hairs grow at different rates. This can lead to some awkward, scraggly phases, but it's worth suffering through a few weeks of imperfect beard growth to have full, thick facial hair at the end of the month that can be cut and styled as needed.

However, most men start experiencing itchiness and discomfort around three weeks into their beard-growing journeys. If this happens, don't shave it off or trim it back prematurely. Instead, buy a better moisturizer and make sure to exfoliate the skin to avoid getting in-grown hairs.

At the four-week mark, most men will find that their beards are starting to fill in, their hair is connected, and any itchiness has begun to subside, so be patient. Trimming and shaping too early can inhibit hair growth and stop men from ever getting the thick beards they desire.

The Bottom Line

While genetics play a role in determining how excellent of a beard any man will be able to grow, it's not as large of a role as most people think. Issues like naturally low levels of testosterone and DHT can be addressed by making dietary and lifestyle changes and those with a genetic predisposition to growing thinner androgenic hair can use all-natural beard jelly oil and other products to thicken their hair without damaging the skin. Arguably the most important factor when it comes to growing a full, thick beard is to stay patient and avoid cutting it until the time is right since premature trimming can set men back for months even if they're doing everything else right, so don't forget to let it grow.