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The Best Inflammation-Fighting Foods

Inflammation is the root cause of many diseases. It also increases gut dysfunction which many of us experience on a daily basis. We all know that the food we eat has a great impact on inflammation, but the challenge might arise when it comes to actually incorporating these foods into our daily life. Here are a few foods that have been scientifically proven to fight inflammation as well as a few tips on how they can be used in your everyday life (for more on how to reduce inflammation and the best and latest in health information, tips and advice, go to authorityhealth.com):


Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants and are, therefore, great inflammation fighters. Keep frozen ones on hand to use in smoothies (try combining them with cacao and almond butter) and in blueberry pancakes.


If you are craving sweets after dinner, why not try to cut an apple into cubes and mix it with cinnamon, vanilla, a pinch of salt and ghee and then saute it in a skillet. It is packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients and is ready in seconds.


Pistachio nuts make a delicious nut butter, a decedent nut milk and add delicious texture to salads. Throw raw pistachios in a food processor with some honey, avocado oil and cardamon for a delicious nut butter that can be served on toast.


Spinach is the perfect green to use in smoothies as you can add quite a bit without really tasting it. Add as much as you can to your next smoothie for a wholesome treat or meal.


Garlic can elevate the flavor of just about anything - from stir-fries to greens. In order to let the healing properties of garlic activate, it is important to chop it and give it about 20 minutes before you use it. Add it toward the end of whatever you are preparing in order to keep its therapeutic powers and delicious flavor intact.


It can be used in turmeric lattes, turmeric sauces or it can even be sprinkled onto stir-fries and smoothies. Remember to consume it with fat and black pepper for increased bioavailability.

Brussels Sprouts

It has been proven that Brussels sprouts help the body to fight inflammation. Pan-fry it with avocado oil until crispy and brown for a delicious side, or to use in a warm salad or a stir-fry. They can be flavored with anything from French herbs to Indian curry.


Ground or fresh ginger can be used in soothing teas (which works wonderfully for an upset stomach). Read more about the health benefits of ginger.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos (red bush) tea is a much better alternative than coffee, as caffeine can easily stoke anxiety. It can be sipped plain or with a bit of raw honey or foamed almond milk.

Rose Water

Orange blossom and rose water is well known in the Middle East and can be used to enhance the flavor of many foods while cooking. It serves as a wonderful anti-anxiety drink when rose water is used as the base for a delicious rose latte. It can also be splashed on a bowl of fresh berries with a bit of vanilla.


You don’t have to stick to using herbs in savory cooking, but be courageous and also add them to smoothies (fresh thyme and lemon zest make a wonderfully delicious smoothie as do basil and strawberry). Herbs are often a perfect counterpoint to a sweet fruit.

Chia Seeds

Chia has the ability to act as a thickener in a number of recipes plus it has a really high protein content. It can be used to add healthy fat, protein and bulk to smoothies or it can be used to make a chia pudding.


The grain-free world has turned cauliflower into anything from pizza crust, dinner rolls and rice. Cauliflower rice can be mixed with ghee, pan-fried sage, canned pumpkin, bone broth and tomato paste for a perfect quick dinner.


Lemon can be drunk with hot water every morning for some digestive help or added to any dish for a bit of extra flavor. It can be used to finish fruit crisps, stir-fries, salad dressings and soups.