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Tips On How To Improve Sleep For New Dads

A new addition to the family sure takes you and everyone around you on cloud nine but brings you down as soon as sleep deprivation kicks in. The switch to the 24/7 job position known as “Dad” will no doubt get your hands full. Most notably, the first time around. Suddenly, all other tasks take second place to the baby’s needs. Hence, there’s a lot to keep track of.

It might seem that dads don’t pull that much weight as moms when it comes to the newborn, but this is not the case. Oftentimes, dads still need to go to work after the baby arrives. Then, upon returning home, they’ll usually have to substitute their wives when they must doze off for a few hours. As a result, dads end up with “double duty” of sorts. This juggling act will prove to tax and impair your sleeping hours.

However, you must remain on top of things and keep everything in line. Oddly enough, sleep is the best path to preserve your physical and mental health. Amidst all the crying and frequent diaper changes, you should create enough space to rest as a dad, even if it’s all only so you can repeat that same ordeal tomorrow.

So, to help all the new dads out there, we have taken it upon ourselves to jot down our favorite tips on improving sleep for new dads. Keep reading to find out what we learned the hard way.

Five Tips on How to Improve Sleep for New Dads

Limit the Caffeine 

To balance your work life along with parenting a baby, one must plan ahead. Yet, things will find a way to turn into a mess. That’s why many new fathers rely on caffeine to get them through the day (and night). But, that is not an ideal habit by a long shot. Did you know that caffeine can take about 10 hours to get out of your system? 

So, when you overdose your body with coffee to stay awake, you are cutting on precious sleeping hours. Caffeine will most likely take effect just when there’s an opening for you to fall asleep. Therefore, limit those steaming hot cups to early morning if you want to score some hours at night.

Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

Whether or not you have a little one, creating a comfortable and healthy sleeping environment is essential in both cases. This includes having a mattress that suits your sleeping position, sleep gadgets to optimize sleep, and of course, catering your room to suit your preferences. If you are not comfortable in your current bed or sleeping environment, you might want to re-arrange your bedroom.

Today, many online companies offer helpful in-depth guides about good sleep. For instance, the company Sleeping Ocean specializes in those aspects. They create expert guides and “tips and tricks” articles for any subject related to sleep. On their site, dads can learn a lot about making the most out of the few hours they have at the end of the day. Plus, there’s a ton of info about sleeping positions and the types of mattresses available on Sleepingocean.com.

Forming a Routine

Figuring out a good sleep schedule with your baby is a hard nut to crack. Your baby will wake up several times per night, which could be due to many reasons. You can not avoid the overnight feedings; however, you should have a clean diaper nearby just to speed things up for both of you. Thankfully, in time this will turn into a routine. This should result in your baby finding a healthy pace of sleeping enough hours at night. Afterward, feel free to adjust your sleeping schedule in accordance. 

Prioritize Your Sleep

Remember that when you are well-rested, you can take care of your baby better. That goes for both you and your partner. Hence, you should make a plan for optimal results. For example, dividing the baby duties at night can help each get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Also, you can ask for a friend’s or a family member’s to step in from time to time. An efficient “work delegation” will not be an option always, but you can at least have a few Plan B’s at the ready.

Furthermore, refrain from bringing your work home when caring for a small baby. Instead, talk about flexible deadlines with your superiors so you can manage everything better.

This dentist who does high-quality teeth whitening in Valencia CA also adds that getting enough sleep is not only good for your overall health but specifically for your dental health.

Don’t Skip Any Meals

Having a proper and balanced meal can help you get a good night’s sleep. If you stop taking care of your diet or even skip whole meals, you’ll also upset your daily routine. On the other, consuming big meals before bed can keep you from falling asleep. Therefore, it’s best to keep things light but nutritious. 

Closing Thoughts            

So, the next time you think about skipping sleep, remember that your baby needs you at your best. When you are well-rested, you won’t forget any point on the timetable, thus helping your spouse recover in peace. So, find the time to rest, keep a healthy pace, and take breaks where you need them.