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What Are Some Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Dermatology Appointment?

The skin, which is a protective barrier for your body, and its largest organ, is continually exposed to and battered by aggressors from the environment, like sun damage, extreme weather changes, and pollution. When life gets hectic and you have other commitments, it’s easy to forget about caring for the skin. Dermatology, explains the New Jersey-based South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center team, isn’t just about cosmetic procedures or only needed for patients who have severe skin issues. Many people, especially those within the younger age demographic, don’t think that they need to see a dermatologist or think that the care a specialist can provide is less important than that of their primary care physicians. Although it’s a common misconception that you only need to see a dermatologist for what you might think of as an emergency—like severe, cystic acne or potential signs of skin cancer—scheduling an appointment with a good dermatologist is worth it. It’s a good idea to think proactively and start regularly seeing one in your mid-20s if you want to maintain youthful and healthy skin throughout your lifetime. However, it’s never too early or late to start. In fact, dermatologists see patients of all ages!

Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating thousands of conditions that affect the hair, skin, and nails, including ones that can make everyday life uncomfortable and even be life threatening. They can also provide treatments that enhance the appearance of the skin to make you feel more confident or reverse signs of aging. With the plethora of skin care products available and all of the advice on hand from various online sources, it can also be difficult to figure out what to do. A dermatologist can help you plan a skincare routine that’s suitable for your skin type.

Anxious about your first consultation? Not sure what to expect? Preparing beforehand can help you to get the most out of your in-office appointments. Here’s what you can do ahead of your visit to make the most of it.

• Make a Detailed and Focused List

If you leave it all up to memory, even when you think you know what’s affecting your skin, you might forget something when you get to the appointment. Before you visit the dermatologist, write down all of the questions and concerns you have about your specific skin concerns—specific being the key word! It’s a good idea to stick with your most pressing issues for the most thorough evaluation and recommendations. Creating a list related to a single issue or a few minor ones can allow the time for you and the provider to engage together on potential causes and solutions. Be sure to write down the responses from your dermatologist in a notebook or your phone. Actively engaging with the provider in this manner will provide better outcomes. Keep in mind the relationship between provider and patient is a partnership, and following recommendations consistently is paramount to resolutions and or improvement.   

• Write in a Diary

Sometimes it’s tricky to fully understand what’s happening to your skin. It’s helpful to keep a record of the reactions of your skin to your stress levels, what you’ve been eating, and/or your menstrual cycle in the weeks leading up to the day of your consultation, especially if you have a chronic skin condition.

• Go Makeup and Polish-Free

It’s fine to wear basic moisturizer and sunscreen, but just remember to arrive without concealer, foundation, or any other makeup. You should also remove any nail polish.

• Take Pictures

Many flare-ups of skin conditions occur at seeming random times. Another way of understanding your skin condition better is to document its timeline by taking clear, well-lit photos each morning without makeup, so that your dermatologist can see when your skin is unblemished and when it’s most irritated or inflamed, then make comparisons. If you’re having a cosmetic treatment to restore a more youthful appearance, you can also bring photos of yourself at a younger age to give your dermatologist a better idea of your goals. Snap some photos of the products you’ve been using as well.

Call South Jersey Skin Care & Laser Center at (856) 810-9888 to find out more about clinical and cosmetic dermatology, or submit a contact form to request a consultation or have questions answered. The South Jersey Skin Care team provides an extensive range of services, including fillers, neuromodulators, skin resurfacing, and more.