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What It Feels Like To Have Low Testosterone

The common misconception about testosterone is, that it's there to aid you in fight or flight moments. It's commonly linked to bravery, courage and boisterous behavior. It's why we use the term ‘ballsy’ when we speak of someone who takes risks and doesn’t care about repercussions. However, this is not testosterone's main function. It keeps men healthy both in body and in mind. It helps us repair our bodies when we are hurt, gives us the sex drive we have and also, helps to build muscle mass. So what happens when you have low levels?

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Uneven fat distribution

The main thing you’ll notice is an uneven fat distribution. It may be that most of your fat only goes to your stomach. Even though this is where the majority of men’s fat receptors are, this should not really be happening to such an extent that you have skinny arms and legs, with a huge gut. You should also have fat in your legs, waist (love handles) and in your back. If this isn’t happening, you may want to get checked out for low testosterone levels.

Losing hair?

The jury is somewhat still out on this one. Some say it's not testosterone that produces hair on our bodies, it's protein, and others say it is. However, there is some evidence to suggest that a lower testosterone level does lead to less hair on your body. So if you had hairy arms once upon a time but the hair is thinner or less than it is there now, check yourself out for low testosterone by visiting the doctor. 

Mental health

Although many men will tough it out and refuse to admit the truth, it does have an impact on our mental health. When you have lower levels of testosterone and you know you do, it can make you feel like less of a man. Masculinity is often ridiculed in the modern press but it's a very serious, noble and personal trait that all men have. To want to be brave, tough and act as leaders is not something to be ashamed of. So when you feel like you don’t have the tools to do that because of your low testosterone, it brings on depression, anxiety and lack of self-belief.

Looking for an out

Pretty soon you’ll want to look for a way to boost your levels of testosterone if you suffer from a condition that limits them. With trusted testosterone supplements you can return to normal once more. This is something that can be taken with a meal, a glass of water, etc. It comes in pill form, so it can also be taken to work with you if your cycle is at a particular time of the day. It's also going to be mixed with other things like natural herbs so it aids in healing for things like sports injuries and relaxing as well.

It's normal to be concerned about your testosterone levels when you see your hair is falling out or that you don’t heal as quickly as you once did. Do you have any of these symptoms we mentioned?