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Why Men's Health And Wellness Is Important And Top Tips To Take Care Of It

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men in the United States on average die five years before women, and the leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, chronic disease of the lower respiratory tract, and strokes. 

To have a good life, there is no greater secret than taking good care of your health. Taking care of men's health is especially important from the age of 45-50, as both the urinary system and the prostate begin to age and undergo changes in the face of advanced age. 

That is why, as much as one feels healthy and young, it is essential to keep men's health at bay to stay away from problems and diseases.


How can I take charge of my health?

Get regular check-ups even if you feel fine. This is important because some diseases have no symptoms at first. Also, going to the doctor will allow you to learn more about your health.

You can also do the following to take care of your health:

●        Get the screening tests that are right for you.

●        Catch up on important vaccinations.

●        Watch for signs of health problems, such as diabetes or depression.

●        Eat a healthy diet and be active.


Make sure your diet is healthy

We all know that the first and most important thing is to give our body food that it can make the most of, instead of empty calories of which we can obtain little. And this is the reason for eating in a healthy and balanced way.  

Instead of taking pastries and products rich in saturated fats and refined sugars, let's opt for natural foods rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (olive oil, avocado, bluefish).  

Buy the sugars naturally present in fruit and vegetables, whole grains and flour, foods rich in fiber, and quality proteins (white meat, white, and bluefish, legumes). 

Make sure not to starve yourself to eat healthily, consult a dietician and maintain a diet accordingly. Don't abruptly stop taking anything without the consultation of the nutritionist. Your food also plays an important role in your skin and hair care. So, make sure to include foods that help your skin and hair. You can also opt for healthy and natural skin care supplements, but make sure to do it properly before buying it. Do consider your allergies and your current diet; consulting a doctor will surely help.


Get moderate and regular exercise

 Playing sports is another habit that most benefits our body and takes care of men's health. It is not a matter of suddenly starting to exercise and the beast. Still, the ideal thing is that they are practiced, especially if it is not customary, sports of less physical impact, such as swimming, Pilates (which will also help to strengthen the ground pelvic), and walking. In addition, by sweating, we will be helping our body eliminate toxins, which will also favor our urinary system. Ah! And although cycling is also a low-impact sport, you should wear loose sportswear and choose a saddle with a short nose to practice it.


Avoid unhealthy habits

We must stay away from the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, avoid excess salt in meals and foods that contain a high content of uric acid (seafood, offal, red meat) since with their consumption, we will overwork the kidney.


Drink water

Water is essential for health and, therefore, it is part of this list of tips and measures for men's health care. Drinking about 2 liters of water a day, even if we are not thirsty, will stay hydrated. We will make our urinary system work correctly. Thus, we will avoid infections such as cystitis and the appearance of kidney stones (stones).


Give importance to your sex life

It is possible that, with the stress and the schedules we have, we are neglecting our sexual life. Still, for this reason, you should know that sex, in addition to making you feel closer to your partner, improving your self-esteem, and allowing you to enjoy an intimate moment, favors prostate health.

Take your time to urinate

In addition to trying to urinate more frequently (if you drink two or more liters of water a day, you will not even need to think about it), try to do it calmly, without distractions, and without forcing the bladder or cutting the urine, completely emptying the bladder.


Exercise your pelvic floor

Exercising the pelvic floor is not only indicated for women, but it is essential for men's health since, through this strengthening, we will avoid urinary and fecal incontinence in the future.


Rest well

Sleep is essential to maintain general health in optimal conditions. As age advances, we need less sleep time, but we must always ensure that it is always about 7-8 hours a day. You have to accept that your body starts reacting differently as you grow older, and you should respect that. Maintain a proper, work-life-play balance. At no cost, deny your body a proper sleep. If possible, a short afternoon nap can be healthy too.


Go to your urologist

The urologist is to the man what the gynecologist is to the woman, especially from 45-50 years of age, the age at which we should take our prostate health more seriously. Don't wait for symptoms or for the problem, whatever it is, to become apparent. We will never tire of repeating it: your annual visit to the urologist is essential to prevent and detect early any type of problem or disease that may affect men's health.



Health care should be a lifelong priority and, as time progresses, there are healthy practices that we must follow to keep track of our body's behavior and prevent medical conditions. In the case of men, there are specific cares that must be taken around the male reproductive system. Thus, remember that it is important to take care of your health at every stage of your life. This must be based on habits such as diet, physical activity, and a check-up with specialist doctors.