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Why You Should Talk to Other Families About Your Family Problems

Many families don’t talk about their problems. They keep them quiet to keep up appearances. On the other hand, you might avoid talking to other families because of the danger of comparison. Other families might look like they’ve got everything together, which can only make you feel worse about your own family’s problems. However, the truth is that sharing your problems with other families can help significantly. 

Sharing gives you an outlet for your negative thoughts. 

When you keep your negative feelings and thoughts all bottled up, you don’t get rid of them. Instead, you just push them down. But like a shaken can of coke, one day, your repressed feelings are going to burst out of you. This explosion will cause damage that could have been avoided by letting some of them out. 

But often, in a family scenario, letting out every negative thought you have about your family to your family will create a hostile atmosphere and do more harm than good. That’s why sharing your problems with friends who have families can help. This way, you have an outlet for your thoughts, but you don’t have to force your family to listen to them. 

Those with families can understand you. 

Choosing other friends with families to share with is a smart move because they have likely had similar issues. Though the situations won’t be precisely the same, they’ve probably been through something that contains the same problems. Therefore, when you speak to them, you know they won’t be judging you. Instead, they’ll understand and have empathy for you. 

Fellow families might suggest solutions. 

Having been through what you’ve been through, fellow families might be able to offer solutions. If they’ve been through it and come out the other side, they must have some advice to help you out. 

By suggesting solutions, talking has not only lead to you feeling understood but may also lead to your issues being sorted. 

Talk - and if you can’t: listen. 

Talking about your problems can lift a weight off of your shoulders. But sharing is a two-way street. Remember to listen to your friends when they talk about their problems, too. You never know what someone is going through, so be an active listener and help out where you can.

If you don’t have a fellow family in your life (an unfortunate side-effect of covid-19), finding family bloggers and influencers online like Richard Spanton Jr can offer something similar. While you can’t talk directly to them, they may be able to suggest solutions and tricks to help you solve some issues within your family unit. 

Finding these connections - whether online or in-person - can help you be the best parent and partner. By talking to someone outside of your family, you will be able to come back to your family positive and ready to make an effort. Sharing can only bring you help. Men often feel the need to keep everything bottled in; remember that this will only cause you and your family pain.