Dad’s Guide To Helping Mum Find A Car

Image: Flickr/Caitlin Regan

Cars are amongst the most important tools in modern family life. Quite frankly, we don’t know where we’d be without those transportation facilities. Therefore, getting the right vehicle for your family is a must.

However, most families have progressed the need for just a single car. Juggling family needs with business and leisure isn’t easy. Subsequently, the majority of households benefit from having a multi-car system. Having already offered the perfect Dad guide to finding a perfect car for you, we’re now turning our attentions to helping Mum do the same.

Whether she’s a full-time mother or works doesn’t matter. The significant woman in your life needs a vehicle that she can be proud of. Many women are capable of finding the perfect solution themselves. But if yours does require assistance, then it’s vital that you provide it to ensure she leaves the forecourt with a smile.

There are many elements to consider when buying a new car. One of the first things she should ask is what type of vehicle she needs. If journeys are restricted to school runs and grocery shops, finding a great city car should be the priority. However, if she’s using it for business or other aspects, it may be worth considering other options.

Likewise, you need to take your location into consideration. Families living in countrysides with tough terrain may want to look at 4x4s or other bigger options. The key here is to be honest with yourselves regarding the primary usage. Only then can you make a truly successful decision.

Another huge factor in the decision-making process surrounds the choice of manufacturer. Every driver deserves to drive a vehicle that can trust. Choosing a brand that boasts a rich history of producing great cars is crucial. Italian firm Fiat is heralded for producing great cars aimed at the female market.

Image: Wikimedia

Both the 500 and Panda are great options for the modern family woman. Experts at the Thames Motor Group can offer assistance throughout the process to ensure that she picks an option that’s suited to her. However, it’s imperative that the driver feels comfortable behind the wheel. Before committing to a purchase, taking the motor for a test drive, or renting a car model that you have in mind is thoroughly advised.

However, it’s not all about the driver. Becoming a parent changes many aspects of life. You’ve already gained firsthand experience of the influence it has on driving and car purchasing habits. Sadly for Mom, she’s in the same boat too. That’s not to say that she can’t still find an enjoyable ride. Nevertheless, it’s imperative that the little ones are at the forefront of your thinking.

Safety needs to be your number one priority. The roads can be a very dangerous place. Driving a car that boasts a great child safety rating will help. With a little bit of luck, you won’t ever need to worry about it. Nevertheless, having those items in good health should be top of your agenda. After all, there’s no point in boasting comfort if you’re driving a deathtrap.

Many modern cars also boast technology to automatically prevent imminent crashes. Even if it’s an extra add-on, it’s always worth consideration. You can never be too safe.

Aside from the safety features, you need to think about the practicalities of driving with children in the car. If you have young children, a fairly compact car should be fine. But if they are teenagers, then they will require a little more leg room. Mum probably won’t drive this one car forever, but it’s important that you take the next few years into account. If you expect the family to grow in size or numbers, you must be prepared for those changing needs.

Image: Wikimedia

Similarly, you will want the car to remain in great condition. If young children are involved, it’s a wise move to choose darker upholstery. Alternatively, you may want to consider protective materials. Unfortunately, you cannot stop accidents altogether. Reducing the damage is vital.

Another item to consider is the child’s entertainment. As much as we all love our little ones, there’s nothing more stressful than travelling with bored kids. The non-stop questions can fry your brain, especially on long journeys through new territory. Catering to their need for entertainment with in-car DVD players will make the ride more enjoyable for them. In turn, this will make it a lot less stressful for you too.

Staying calm on the road is a vital aspect of enjoying time behind the wheel. Embracing modern tech doesn’t only keep the kids occupied. It can also be used to directly impact her driving too. Sat Navs and Bluetooth speakers can help reduce the stress of driving. After all, getting lost on the road can be quite scary.

Meanwhile, parking sensors and other cool features can enhance the driving enjoyment. Not all technology is worth the investment, but the best ones make a world of difference. There’s a strong chance that Mum will be tired from time to time. The Stop Sleep device could be key to fighting back against those feelings of drowsiness.

Being safe and comfortable is crucial, but they aren’t the only key elements to consider. She deserves a car that actively puts her in a positive mood about driving. That starts with finding a car that looks great. We all appreciate the importance of aesthetic appeal. By no means should it be the most important element, but choosing the right colour and body shape is still an item that should sit on the checklist.

More importantly, the car must perform as desired. Of course, running costs need to be factored in. There’s not much point of buying a 3.6-litre twin turbo vehicle if it’s only being used for the school run. However, she should find a car that offers great handling and enjoyable driving. Rediscovering that love of driving is crucial. Besides, cars are expensive. Mum should be able to enjoy her car at all times.

One of the best ways to put a smile on your faces is to strike a great deal. Finding a vehicle that offers great value for money will serve a solid foundation. However, it’s equally important to get the best car financing package.

Similarly, you should take other aspects like car insurance into account. The internet is a great resource for finding cheap plans tailored to Mum’s specific needs. Aside from getting the right coverage at the right price, those savings could be used for car accessories. Even if those funds go towards a holiday, it’s better than wasting them on excessive fees.

Mum’s car cannot be a short-term fix. It needs to be a vehicle that can last for several years. She may upgrade within three or four years. However, you never know what’s around the corner. So it’s imperative that the car is capable of serving the family needs for a long time. With this in mind, you should try to prioritise options where replacement part won’t blow your budget.

Even if you do keep the car for a long time, it will probably be sold one day. Even if it isn’t until the kids fly the nest, you should take depreciation into account too. The resale value should be considered secondary to those other factors. Nevertheless, knowing that the car will hold value is a huge selling point.

As long as the car is safe, practical and makes financial sense, you can’t go far wrong. Ultimately, happiness is the most important thing in life. If the choice of vehicle puts a smile on her face, it is the perfect solution.