Posts tagged PTSD
From Combat to Civilian: Understanding Veterans' Challenges

After serving their country with honor and courage on the battlefield, veterans often return home to face a different kind of battle: the struggle to readjust to civilian life. While the end of active duty marks the beginning of a new chapter, it also brings forth a myriad of challenges that can profoundly impact their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. From grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to navigating the complexities of healthcare and employment, veterans confront a unique set of obstacles that require understanding, support, and compassion from society.

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Personal Injury And Emotional Trauma - Coping Strategies For Families

Personal injury can be life-changing for victims and their families. The worst part is that people suffer due to someone else’s negligence. Beyond the significant economic costs, such accidents can cause emotional trauma. A study by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states that one in five American adults experiences mental illness each year. Here are a few therapist-recommended coping strategies that actually help victims and their loved ones.

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How To Improve Mental Health And Use CBD Effectively

Decades ago, many people were afraid to talk about depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental health conditions.. Though you have heard of depression and anxiety, you might not know what precisely mental health is. While you may have heard about the adverse effects of stress on the body, you may not know about the nuances of stress and why caring about your mental health is essential for living a healthy, happy, and well-rounded life.

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