World Class Training to Escape the Daily Stress Rollercoaster

Follow our simple process from going from frustrated, anxious and stressed, juggling parenting, relationships, work, bills and health stressors -- and feeling isolated and invisible to sustainable, resilient, thriving, high-energy life that you can confidently enjoy.




The starting point for proactively taking control of your life and paving the way to secure the future you actually desire, where you can fulfill the potential of what you can achieve as a man and a dad is to learn how to live without gut-wrenching stress, anxiety and burnout, shed your mind of conscious and sub-conscious negative habits, attitudes and patterns triggering it, and master the skills to identify, tackle, and unload toxic stressors as they occur and stop stress attacks dead in their tracks.

You’ll get all the tools, the strategies, and the support you need to tackle your stress and anxiety on your own terms, privately in your own home.

In The Dads Stress Buster Program© I’ll teach you my Stress Buster Kit for creating a positive, enjoyable and thriving life experience, whilst successfully navigating the stress triggers particularly associated with being a man and a dad in today’s environment.

This next-level experience helps you:

  • Reveal how stressed you are

  • Understand in a straightforward way what positive and negative stress actually is

  • Clearly identify damaging reactions to stress for you to look out for

  • Identify your stress triggers [think: significant other, children, friends, work + money, health, habits + behaviors.]

  • Identify and clear core stressors [think: eliminate a past, recurring, and new negative experience, encounter, trauma, or simply an event, that has left you scarred or effected in some way]

  • Successfully create new stress reducing supportive routines

  • Identify and remove toxic people in your life

  • Manage and take charge of toxic people that for some reason or another you can’t permanently remove.

  • Confidently tell your truth, be honest with your feelings, be able to say ‘no’ and set your boundaries

  • Achieve a daily healthy lifestyle free of toxic stress, where your baseline mindset and mood is productive, happy and thriving.

  • Build mental resilience to stress and anxiety so you can effortlessly handle day-to-day stress and pressure and stay in your ‘happy’ place

  • Know exactly what to do when stress gets the better of you so that you can stop it dead in its tracks and step back into positive mind set and feel better fast, no matter what provoked it.

The Dads Stress Buster Program© will fast-track your growth and stress resilience, get your stress management system up and running, giving you the clarity, vision and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies.

Probably one of the most stunning and powerful effects of this program is the radical improvement in relationship that you have with everyone in your life.

A tried-and-true system to follow so you can feel confident about your future no matter where you are on the stress and anxiety scale.



Right after you’ve identify and cleared recurring core stressors holding you back, built up your metal resilience, and have successfully launched your stress management system, it’s time to tackle your health and self-care (self-care IS healthcare) by learning how to optimize what you’re eating, drinking, thinking, resting, and renewing, so that they work together in tandem to create momentum- small behaviors creating lasting results.

Our goal is to take the ‘complicated’ out of men’s wellness, and help you take back your health and your power, to feel inspired by your life rather than tired and drained, and equip you to take on your dreams and goals being the best and unburdened you.

You’ll get all the tools, trainings, strategies, and the support you need to wake-up feeling truly happy to be alive, content, fulfilled, in alignment, clear minded, healthy and energetic, athletic and fit, and all privately in your own home.

This next-level experience helps you:

  • Create powerful goal setting and get you in touch with what you truly want [think: SMART short & long-term goals]

  • Align your goals with your life priorities and learn how to put yourself first without feeling selfish or compromising your family or work commitments

  • Learn what actually need to know about ‘whole man well-being’ why it’s not just about food and exercise [hint: our careers influence our health] and successfully take the steps to incorporate supportive routines

  • Get clear about what you MUST know about your hormones [plus: the 101 on testosterone] plus achieve a simple daily healthy lifestyle for optimum results

  • Identify thoughts, auto-pilot habits and actions keeping you stuck and re-wire your brain to move past them into a baseline mindset of success to secure the future you actually desire

  • Confidently fuel your body with a non-diet-diet, crush the belly boat, take charge of your digestion

  • Break your food addiction and crazies of overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, cheat eating and negative food obsessions for good

  • Know exactly how to menu-plan for the win [think: save time, money, calories and stress + eat on-the-go especially as busy dads including after-school, weekend activities]

  • Successfully boost your energy for life [hint: deploy little daily lifestyle tweaks for big wins]

  • Confidently incorporate activity within your daily life + two forms of exercise to keep your gentleman’s parts in their best shape [plus: how to exercise WITH your children (and partner) that will have you bonded and closer than the Navy Seals]  

The Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program© will transform how you eat, live and feel for good + let you confidently enjoy life, even in the face of a crisis and everything goes sideways [think: coronavirus pandemic] you’ll still have the power to steady yourself and your family.

A steadfast formula and playbook to follow to reclaim your energy, optimum health, and achieve a productive, happy and thriving baseline mindset and mood whether you’re just starting out, need to heal, or want to take your wellness to the next level.

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It’s now time to add the last piece of the puzzle- your financial health. Worrying about money is supremely detrimentally to all areas of your life, and long-term chronic stress over your finances not only severely reduces the quality of your life, but can dramatically shorten it.

We strategically place this program as step three, because money of its self doesn’t make you happy, but combine it with the tools to minimize stress (and the capability to neutralize it fast), communicate ‘healthily’ what you need- and receive what you need in return, as well as the ability to master your overall health and you’ve won the jackpot- except there’s no luck in it!

Whether you’re an employee to first-time entrepreneur, or a seasoned business owner, whether you’re looking to start, improve, tweak, or expand your business the Fatherhood Biz Course© will help you create and grow a fulfilling, profitable, value-driven business, to put you back in control of your destiny (think: coronavirus pandemic) + give you more quality time with your family, and ultimately, win in today's environment.

This next-level experience helps you:

  • Create a clear plan and path to make money with profit [current biz: you will have a plan to maximize your high-performing products, and where applicable a blueprint and strategy of new offering(s); no consistent cash flow: you will have clarity on why not, and a clear concise action plan to turn your biz into a profit making enterprise; startup mode you will have to hand your profitable business idea, and a road-map to go from zero to launch and beyond.]

  • Successfully create your brand and business foundation + assets that specifically ‘talks’ too, connects with, and resonates with your target audience  

  • Confidently create and [or review and tweak] your website and online presence layout so that it that reflects your values, personality, goals, authority and services and effectively does the heavy lifting of your online marketing for you (even when you’re sleeping).

  • Easily and profitably create a powerful content marketing strategy that you can scale that will bring in leads 24/7 and convert them into customers

  • Know exactly how to create a sales funnel that converts for every service or product you offer, and easily be able to create the ‘fuel’ content for any paid advertising that you choose to do that will guarantee sales

  • Successfully build a list of customers and warm leads and confidently deploy email marketing for continued growth and profit

The Fatherhood Biz Course© will teach you to think with the mindset of opportunity, and step up and thrive, no matter what life throws at you [think: Coronavirus Pandemic], combined with the tools, training, resources and personal coaching to take strategic and inspired action.  

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This program is specifically designed and squarely focused uniquely on father’s needs and growth within business-- this system and process was built out of my personal experience, when I got hit in the 2008 global crash, I had no life support, I HAD to create strategies that worked, or I would be out on the street, and I wouldn’t be able to support my family.

My system has been crash-tested and proven. I have lived it. I literally started again with nothing, and with no help from anyone, and I did it being able to still be there, and present with my family, something marketers never seem to touch on.

I have succeeded to create a business-work-life-balance totally in sync with raising my 7 children.

When this time, the Coronavirus pandemic hit and the quarantine regulations took hold I was able to confidently support my family in the midst of this critical moment.

This course is designed with no fluff, just the stuff that will get it done, and with the consideration of the busy life and other commitments that being a dad comes with.