I Believe That Reaching
And Maintaining Your Optimum Wellbeing Gives You A Breakthrough Moment Where You Slash Through Mental Barriers Holding You Back.
Achieving this breakthrough clears a path
to a healthier, happier life. I’m going to show you how to get to that breakthrough moment and create an unbreakable foundation to achieve the life that you dream of.
The Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™ is the only course you need to truly achieve your mind, body, spirit and alignment goals, maintain them, and achieve the vibrant, good health you deserve.
So, What Will You Be Covering In My Transformation Program?
The Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™ is based around ten core modules that build upon each other so that by the end of the tenth week you will have, up and running, your own mind, spirit and body maintenance foundation and lifestyle, specifically created and designed for dads.
You will never feel overwhelmed, lost or stuck, because I walk you through every single step.
These are not one-off tools and tasks slapped together in an effort to achieve your optimum wellness goals briefly.
This is a system, and a program of practical instruction & easy to follow lessons that each builds on the last, that you can adapt to any schedule and lifestyle.
Enrollment Opens Again Soon
Get On The Waitlist + Nab My FREE
‘Overcome Food Cravings Guide: Exercises, Meal Plans + Recipes to Succeed’
to get you started.
Sign-up and get simple solutions that you can start right now to help you make lasting change inside and out!

Become your BEST self, and be the HAPPIEST dad you know.
How do you feel right now?
o Are you exhausted, overwhelmed, and feeling like you never have enough time in the day?
o Do you feel too often give too much and say Yes to one too many things?
o Do you feel you put everything ahead of your own needs and sanity: family, job, bills?
o Stuck, frustrated and ready to give up on your health goals?
o Bloated, drained, uninspired and sick of your aches and pains?
o Do you feel out of alignment with your mind, body and spirit?
o Do you wish you could feel confident in your clothes and excited about your life?
You’re in the Right Place.
Because it IS in your grasp to live your healthiest and happiest life, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
And it’s about being you, only better.
As a dad to seven incredible children (one of my proudest achievements is catching each and every one of them as they were born), I’ve faced my own struggles of trying to balance stress, work and projects of my life, and that of my family’s health and well-being, as well as my own.
I’ve suffered from various health problems, faced gut-wrenching adversity, and have felt crippling self-doubt,
but I’m here to tell you, and to show you that you can blast through any obstacle and carve out the life you truly want and become the contended, healthiest, happiest master of your own ship.
You CAN take back your health, your power and your life.
I know I’ve done it, I’ll share more about my story shortly, but first I want you to imagine what it would feel like to wake-up feeling truly happy to be alive, content, fulfilled, in alignment, clear minded, healthy and energetic, athletic and fit?
To stun your partner on date night in ‘that suit’
Embrace kicking the ball around at the park with your kiddies
Feel confident to walk around in the buff in front of your partner
To feel truly connected with your children
To experience the most open, safely vulnerable and passionate relationship with your partner
To feel unified, confident and healed
Free of niggling health complaints. Think: heartburn, indigestion or acid reflux
You are capable of living your happiest healthiest life, no matter how you feel right now, you have the power to transform your reality - it’s your right to do so - and I’m going to show you how.
I would love for you to join me, shoulder-to-shoulder,
in my Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program, to have you looking, feeling, and being your best.
The Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™ compiles the most powerful lessons and strategies I’ve learned into a fool-proof, step-by-step system that will help you transform how you eat, live & feel for good + let you confidently enjoy life

Let me run you through what’s in my Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™

This module is designed to set you up for success. It covers everything from what the program is created to do, what you’ll discover, and the results you should expect.
It delves down into every aspect of the course, with tips on how to approach each one to get the best outcomes, and desired results, as well as giving very clear action items for you to follow.
It also gives access to all the guides and resources that I have put together, to help you prepare for the best user experience. #IHaveYourBack
How to get in touch with what you truly want and getting crystal clear on your goals
Aligning your goals with your life priorities
How to put yourself at the top of your priority list
Finding your WHY
Setting SMART short & long-term goals
Why it’s not just about food and exercise
How our careers influence our health
How relationships impact our happiness and well-being
The importance of spirituality (the way you bring yourself into that calm, centered, serene place) and spiritual self-care, as well as your ‘community’ on our health
Hormones: The 101 on testosterone
Identifying the thoughts and actions keeping you stuck
Negativity bias, what it is, why you need to understand
How to take a step back and shift your mindset and attitude
Evaluating the auto-pilot habits preventing you from reaching your goals
How to build unshakable inner strength by re-wiring your brain
Why it’s about progress over perfection
Stress & your gut - how it impacts you physically and mentally
Getting better control over your schedule and your life
Putting yourself at the top of your priority list, communicating your needs, how to say ‘no’, and how to set healthy boundaries
Your spiritual fitness, what it is, why you need it for well-being and over-all balance
Feeling good is your birthright- how to own it and receive it
Stress reduction, physical and emotional self-care techniques
What you really need to know about food and nutrition, and why you shouldn’t have to diet
Why what we eat really matters, and what you need to know about your digestion, gut health, and de-bloating your stomach
How to create healthy habits, that you enjoy and stick too
Focus on thriving, not depriving
The problem with sugar- what you NEED to know NOW
Emotional eating, what it is, and how to break free of it
Understanding and revealing your mindset, behavior and unconscious patterns, and how to track it, as well as the ‘exercises’ to break self-sabotaging thoughts, feelings and habit.
How to create a nurturing addiction-free eating plan and environment out of how you are currently living that is actually consistently doable.
The 9-step formula to permanently cut your cravings and addiction
What precisely to do the moment you feel a craving coming on to prevent it; plus, what to do if you relent, and how to put yourself back in control, so that eventually it will phase out completely.
How planning ahead can help you manage a new diet, and take you through the transition to a sustainable food plan
How to include your family members for a smooth transition to a healthy lifestyle and habits that you will all stick to for good
How to ‘indulge’ in you, and your family’s favorite not-so-healthy options and treats that won’t hurt your health and will bring you closer together as a family
How to save time, money, calories and stress
Quick prep and cooking tips
Supermarket shortcuts
Planning for busy weeks
How to eat on-the-go (especially as busy dads) including after-school, weekend activities
The foods & habits boosting or depleting your energy
Mindful eating and portion control
The 5 energy-activating types of foods to eat that will have you feeling full and satiated after every meal (and will help you lose any excess weight consistently or maintain your ideal weight)
The energy-blocking types of food, depleting your energy, and wrecking your mood, that you must avoid to have you instantly feeling more pleasure and happiness in your day
How to detox your home and your self-care routine from hormone-altering chemicals crippling your energy and harming your health over to ‘clean’ products
Morning & evening routines
How to avoid the 3pm slump
Tips for restful sleep
How to incorporate movement into your daily life that will have you feeling great
How to think outside the box to keep you fit, happy and invested and enjoying exercise
How to exercise WITH your children (and partner) that will have you bonded and closer than the Navy Seals, as well as save you time, and have you be the example for your children’s life patterns
The two forms of exercise you MUST do to keep your gentleman’s parts in their best shape
How to stay, or get into shape with a new born, with no sleep and no time
Maintaining your new lifestyle, the playbook on how to deal with social situations and you may feel self-conscious about being healthy (Think: travel, the pub, cocktail hour, eating out with friends or colleagues)
Discovering new exercise routines, and how to simply keep moving to feel invigorated no matter where you, or what the situation and make it into a default habit
How to help your family and friends make the mental shift to your more authentic, balanced and happy-self
Including your family and friends in your newly established healthy lifestyle seamlessly
Tapping into your hidden power, practicing self-love and self-compassion on a moment-to-moment, day-to-day basis, to keep you being the healthiest, happiest version of you long-term.
By now you will have developed the environment and structure you need to take you forward along the same healthy path.
The next steps will help you create the habits and consistency to insure that you break free of your old patterns once and for all.
You will now be ready to enjoy the journey as much as the destination and build new, rock-solid habits.
Time to Cut the Line
I want to help you cut the line and see results even faster, so alongside each module in Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™, is a tool box of bonus cheat sheets, blue-prints and guides to help you get to your goal faster.

Plus, you’ll get 2 bonuses to make your new healthy habits and lifestyle stick
This one’s a beast!
Here is a 30-page guide filled with EVERY-SINGLE-THING you need to know about staying healthy while eating out!
You’ll find food recommendations (that I use personally) for popular food types, like brunch, Italian, and Chinese food.
You’ll also get customized menu choices for fast food restaurants like Panera, McDonalds, and even convenience stores!
Master your workout organization and meal tracking with my secret weapon: Trello.
Learn how I utilize the online board app Trello to keep track of accountability, weight fluctuations, recipes, workouts and more!
This will help you to get the best physical and mental weight and health results possible!
Here I’ll take you step-by-step through creating boards, checklists and even workout video management folders!
And remember, you’ll have lifetime access to Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™, as well as updates to it. As a health and wellness dad-geek I’m always on top of the most up-to-date information and fresh strategies, which I test and audit to see if they’re going to give me and my clients an edge… if they’re a go, I incorporate them into the course and send you an email alert. Did I tell you I do this for free?!
Heck yeah… I’ve got you covered. #IHaveYourBack
I’m here to give you the blue-print and cheat sheet to the best, most successful frameworks, templates, tools and mindsets I’ve uncovered in my twenty-two year and seven children later, journey of what worked, felt easy, and was sustainable, to keep me fit in mind, body and spirit.
❌ I'm not here to just tell you to be healthy.
✔️ I'm here to help you actually make it happen.
✔️ I’m here to make your new healthy habits become your new normal, and have you actually enjoy them.
Hi, I’m Jim McKenzie

I’m dad to 7 fantastic children,
(yep - you read that right - 7, and yes, they are all biologically mine- I get asked this a lot!), I’m also founder and CEO of Everything For Dads.
When I first met my wife I was running my own very, very successful law firm. Despite this, I had a clear vision that when we had our first baby I knew that I wanted to be with her, and raise our child 50:50 -- if I didn’t, I knew that I wasn’t going to be fulfilled or happy.
Not to be deterred, I decided to find a way around it. I wanted to be superman -- and be a successful husband and father, and continue a successful business and career.
But here’s the thing.
I realized from the get go, that as dad-to-be, there weren’t any resources for us on how to build a successful business and family, optimum health, and maintain a pleasurable, balanced lifestyle.
It seemed you had to choose between your career and your family.
That was back in 1996, and unfortunately, things still haven’t moved on enough.
Dads as a group and a community are desperately under-prepared; we are more often than not labelled the bread-winner, and have the worry of not being able to fulfill our financial duty, as well as the struggle to balance work and care-giving.
Men and fathers are always being asked to be strong, now they are also being asked to be vulnerable, open, sensitive and loving, but on the whole the current environment for that reality and balance hasn’t been achieved.
We as dads are susceptible to anxiety and depression too, but are often told to ‘suck it up’.
We suffer from the guilt and stigma that we should be able to cope and be the rock for our partner and children, most of us don’t understand that our emotional health should be valued just as much as our physical health.
In fact, we don’t realize ourselves that we are not only doing a great dis-service to ourselves, but also to our families, by not opening up about our emotional struggles, which can slip very easily into depression.
Here’s the thing (#2).
You must take of yourself first, and make space in your life for your dreams, to both benefit and help your partner, and your child, or children.
Self-care for dads is NOT a luxury, it’s a necessity.

That’s why I created Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™,
that focuses uniquely on dad’s mind, body, spirit health care needs, and that’s practical, doable and based on real-life experience.
I have faced and battled through my own challenges:
from severe sleep deprivation with newborns, and little infants whilst juggling running a business and helping run the household, from losing nearly everything financially, and becoming dirt poor, so I literally couldn’t buy a single 25 cent candy bar for my children (I still have occasional post-traumatic stress from this chapter in my life), to being diagnosed as having a form of incurable osteoarthritis, something I was told that I would have to live with, to suffering from depression when one of our pregnancies went wrong.
These were life changing experiences for me, that truly opened my eyes to realize the link between sustainable health, spiritual well-being, and financial freedom.
With each challenge and beat-down, I got inspired to start taking care of myself, I began researching and testing leading diets and lifestyle practices for optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health immunity and vitality.
Most importantly, I needed to create a realistic daily program that I could adapt to any schedule and lifestyle, that would fit in with my ‘real life’ with work, family and friends.
Today, I tell you humbly that I have succeeded.
My life blows me away.
Against the medical professions odds, I cured my ‘form of incurable osteoarthritis’, I have the energy to play with my 7 children, I’m at my perfect weight, feel the fittest I have ever felt, I feel calm and centered in my mind, and I have created the truest relationships with my wife, and every one of my children.
I am the happiest dad I know, and now I want you to join me in that feeling.
I want YOUR life to have a BIGGER impact, to find and live your purpose,
to achieve your goals - and I will be in your corner, to share and break-through challenges, to crush self-sabotage and negative self-talk and create a life without negative thinking and harmful self-image issues, who will put your interests first and communicate with you like a person to become your happiest, healthiest self.

And I know you:
you're motivated and committed to making a change this year. I know you have what it takes, even if you haven't been able to do it before. It's not that you don't want it enough—you know that in order to give your best to your partner, children, family and friends, YOU have to feel your best. You just need the right inspiration, education, and community to get there... and to make sure you actually enjoy that new lifestyle you've created for yourself.
And, if you’re still here, reading this page, I’m thinking we’re on the same wave length- so the only question is…
Then Get On The Waitlist NOW
Enrollment Opens Again Soon,
So Join The Waitlist + Nab My FREE ‘Overcome Food Cravings Guide: Exercises, Meal Plans + Recipes to Succeed’ to get you started.
Sign-up and get simple solutions that you can start right now to help you make lasting change inside and out!

Most wellness programs fail.
It’s not about luck. And that’s a good thing.
Achieving your optimum wellness and staying there is about learning and implementing the proven strategies for creating your supportive environment so that becomes your norm and your habit.
I’m stoked to share with you exactly how to do this in Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™
Once you have the skills from The Head-to-Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™, you’ll be able to live an empowered life with you 100% in control of your well-being 100% of the time.
The whole point of Head To Toe Dads Total Wellness Program™ is to show you how to achieve your perfect well-being, effortlessly maintain it, and get healthier and feel happier.
The best part is that you don’t need to over-complicate this wellness thing.
But anyone can do it.
I’ve done the work of experimenting, researching and implementing and now you have the opportunity to nab my strategies and create the life you deserve and yearn for, a life that helps you thrive.
The Head-to-Toe Total Wellness Program™ is for you, the busy dad, if…

You’re looking to improve your (and your family’s) everyday health.
You want more energy, better immunity, weight-loss, relief from poor digestion, better skin, ridding yourself of inflammation, food sensitivities, nagging health complaints.
You’re looking to ditch your bad diet, and improve your relationship with food all-around.
You want to be free of your food cravings, and unhealthy or emotional eating habits once-and-for-all. #CanTheWillpower
You want to start truly living, where you feel comfortable and confident and powerful in your own skin.
You don’t want to compromise as a dad, you want to have it all, and be in perfect alignment with your mind, body and spirit.
You’re looking to create boundaries and feel your own personal power that you’ll ‘take home’ to live your best life.
You want to experience the most open, safely vulnerable and passionate relationship with your partner, and feel truly connected with your children.
You want to create and integrate the daily and lifelong habits, and routines that will develop your taste for things that are good for you, and that you actually look forward to and enjoy.
You understand that our routines are the small-but-mighty steps that have the power to shape our lives and futures. #SuccessIsAHabit
You want a framework and doable blueprint that you can stick with through the more challenging times to keep your stress reduced, sleeping better and ensuring that you’re looking after yourself and making the best decisions for your well-being.
Think: little or poor sleep due to care-giving for your new born and young ones; juggling and balancing work, care-giving, partner’s needs; potential financial stresses of adding to a family.
Just because you’re a dad you DON’T have to:

Accept that you should buy the next clothing size up.
Feel tired and lethargic.
Feel overwhelmed, lonely, stuck, unworthy and fearful of your goals.
Accept the limits that society tends to put on dads: it’s your birth right to find the meaning in your life and thrive -
- it’s NOT an either or.
It’s time for you to create your unbreakable foundation for the lifestyle + vibrant health (mind, body, soul) you’re looking to achieve – one where you will thrive.
Don’t let this opportunity pass. It’s time to take action.
Ready for change?
+ You’ll get my FREE ‘Overcome Food Cravings Guide: Exercises, Meal Plans + Recipes to Succeed’ to get you started right now.
You’ll Have Access To…
Lifetime access to All 10 Modules. Each lesson includes easy-to-follow written lesson, guides and checklists.

You’ll Also Have Access To…
✔️ Support + Feedback
✔️ Actionable Course Content, Blueprints, Cheatsheets
✔️ Implementation Checklists, Streaming Videos, MP3s
Our life is in OUR hands, let me give you tools, strategies, skills and guidance to achieve your best, happiest, most vibrant life unique to you, and your loved ones.
This is the only whole body, mind, wellness program specifically created for dads, and their specific set of challenges, needs, and problems.
I want you to embrace the adventure, to trust the process, to play, to try something new, to step out of your box, to create and go through a rich, raw experience that can transform your life, and that of your children…
…to become the BEST version of YOU.
I’ve traveled those same steps, and even if I’m a few steps ahead of you, I’m shoulder to shoulder with you.
I’m here to celebrate the steps along the way, to help you to play to your edge, to have those difficult and uncomfortable conversations that will stoke your inner fire to achieve that success both short term and long term and prosper.
Forget the temporary fixes;
forget mediocrity;
break your old patterns and beliefs and get empowered, join me, join my family…
…let’s do this.
Join the wait-list and get access to my free ‘Overcome Food Cravings Guide: Exercises, Meal Plans + Recipes to Succeed’
Simply pick up the phone, or email us at headtotoeprogram@everythingfordads.com
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. ”