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Flying With Kids Or Babies — A Parent’s Guide

Travelling by air is not an easy task, especially when you are flying with your babies or kids. If you are not fully prepared then it can be a havoc not only for you but for your fellow passengers as well. It is important to be prepared to avoid any kind of inconvenience and make your flight less stressful.

We are here to help you to make sure you and your kids enjoy a stress free flight. Here are some guidelines that can help you prepare for your flight with babies and kids. Remember these are perfect times to make memories, dressing your baby in cute camo baby clothes or funny princess clothes for photo opportunities. As moments like these can be priceless.

Smart and ultimate guidelines for flying with babies and kids

  1. Booking your flight

The very first thing to do while planning for your journey is to book your flight. Booking your flight two to three weeks before your departure keeps you on safe side. While booking the flight, here are some tips you can keep in mind.

●      Book your flight – when you are at it make sure to look for family friendly airlines. If your budget permits, consider using a private jet charter via an agency like Jettly, that can quickly locate the most baby-friendly airline services, ensuring that you can travel in utmost comfort.

●       Book an early flight if possible – there will be less hustle and bustle in morning and it will be easy for you to manage the luggage with your kids. Or,

●       Book a night time flight – if you are going for a long flight then it is recommended to travel at night as your baby will be sleeping and will be at ease.

●       Book a stop-over for long flight – if you have a long flight, it is better to have stop-over to avoid a tiresome journey.

●       Book a seat for your baby – if you are flying long-haul do book a seat for your baby whether they are under 2 years of age. Book seats in business class - apart from all the other options, booking seats in business class is also a great way to travel with kids or babies. Consider visiting this link https://businesstravel365.com/zurich/ to find comparable business class flight rates.

   2. Packing for your flight

The next thing is to know how to manage the packing for your flight. Check with your airline how much luggage you can carry with you. Also check the weight limit for hand carry or backpack. Most airlines allow baby bag free of cost in addition to your hand carry. Now let’s get to the things to pack for your flight while travelling with your kids.

●       Baby Carrier – because you do want free hands to handle the luggage.

●       Baby Food – Pack your baby’s favourite snacks to keep them occupied.

●       Baby Toys – You want to keep them entertained and happy.

●       Baby cloths – Pack extra funniest baby onesies and summer sleepwear to be on safe side

●       Baby Diaper Bag – Pack extra diapers, wipes, disposing bags, folding change mat

●       Baby Medicine – Pack the medicine for your babies in case of any emergency

●       Baby disposable bibs – Pack disposable bibs so that you won’t have to carry used bibs and you will be light with your baby bag.

3. Reaching the airport

The next thing you need to know is what to expect and do when you reach the airport. As airports are crowded and noisy places there are more chances of mishaps, especially when you are with your kids or babies. But proper precautions can prevent misfortunes.

●       Reach Early – it is safe to reach airports early as you will have enough time to pass through the luggage and security checking and you will be relaxed.

●       Attach contact tag – write down your contact information on a tag and attach it to your baby’s clothes.

●       Let your kid roam around – before boarding the plane let your kid play in the waiting lounge so that all of his energy is burnt there and he keeps seated in the plane.

4. Boarding the Plane

Boarding the plane is a hectic process as you have to wait in long queues. It can be exhausted experience for you and your kids. Everyone is in a rush and there are chances of accidents with babies. Having a safe proper pre-plan can help you a lot in this regard. Here are some suggestions.

●       Board at the end – if there are more than one adults then one should board as early as possible to secure the seats and space to put your hand carry and the other adult can board in the end with the baby with much ease.

●       Use baby carrier – use baby carrier so that your hands are free.

●       Use harness for kids – if you have kids who can walk on their own but you are still worried they can get lost then you can use harness for their safety.

5. In the Plane

Kids or babies can cause discomfort for other passengers if you don’t keep them occupied. Being seated for quite a long time can be tiresome. Kids can also be afraid at the time of take-off and landing. Some useful tips, if followed, can help you keep them entertained and occupied so that they don’t bother other passengers.

●       Keep them entertained – keep busy with their favourite toys, cartoons, games or any kind of thing they enjoy.

●       Give them something to eat – If they get bored and are not any more interested in playing or watching, give them their favourite edibles to keep them busy.

●       Don’t let their feet touch the ground – if you want them to be in their seats and not roam around don’t let their feet touch the ground.

●       Give them something to suck – At the time of take-off and landing, give your kids something they can suck to avoid the ear pressure. You can breast feed your toddler.

We hope you have a pleasant journey.