Every Thing For Dads

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Hidden Ways Used By Fathers Express Love To Their Children

"A father is not an anchor to hold you back nor a sail to take you there but a bright light of guidance whose love shows us the way." 

According to the above-mentioned quote, a father does so many things but never gets the limelight. They give us love, affection, and a sense of responsibility but without showing it to the world. They secretly support us and make us a better person, but we fail to understand his attempts. Fathers are the support system of the family; without the coordination of mother and father, the family looks incomplete. They are the ones because of whom we feel love and believe in a healthy relationship.  

Being a father is not at all easy, just like it's hard to be a mother. But we never understand what role a father plays in our life. We only believe that without a mother, life will become helpless but do we know how it will be if we don't have a father? To make you understand the worth of a father and what he does for you, we have jotted down a few things:


Take care of health  

 When we get sick, we always wish to have our mother's arms but do we know how tensed and scared our fathers get when we fall ill? We don't even think about it. No doubt our mother gives us emotional support, but our father is the support system that helps the mother in taking care of us. They take us to the doctor, make sure we get the best treatment, and help our mother in that situation. Not only medically but sometimes emotionally, also they take care of us. For example: do you remember the time when after such a long job and tiring trip home, your father still brought your favorite ice cream. That's how special he makes you feel every time.


Teach Responsibility  

When you see your father managing the house and fulfilling all the demands and needs of the family, you automatically start feeling responsible. He teaches you a disciplined life like waking up early, going for a run with him, eating timely, and taking care of your belongings. There are plenty of things that you learn from your dad, for example: being responsible is the biggest one. He even wishes to create a will so that it becomes easy for you to know what all he is leaving for you. Fathers are so responsible that they don't want you to fight for your own property and assets, therefore try to create a will. In case you know that your father is up to something like this, then try to help him by sharing the knowledge that they can quickly get will forms online where the format is available, and it becomes easy for them to create one for the future. If he can be so responsible for you, then you can at least help him with it.


Support education 

It's a combined journey of father and mother to help their kids with education. But do you know that when you are born, from that date, your father started saving for your education? No, you must have never thought in this way, but it's a fact, he not only saves money but builds plenty of dreams for your education and future. He even supports you in making those dreams come true. You just need to step forward and ask his advice on how you can fulfill your goal, and he will be ready with all the necessary details that can be helpful for you. Do you know why? He was gathering all the information from the time he saw where your interest is, in which field you pay more attention, and what interests you when it comes to studies. He is the one who will always be at your side and support your educational decisions monetarily as well as related to knowledge.


Help in creating memories  

 When you are at your growing age and need your father to decide where to go on vacation, you must have noticed that he always asks you your choice, though you can't help him much with the decision but still he tries to make you feel part of the decision making. So when you go on vacation, he tries to make you as happy as he could by giving you a comfortable hotel stay, taking you shopping, and playing with you on the beach; and make your every vacation a memorable memory. Not only this, but the small efforts he makes every day to give you the life you would enjoy and feel blessed to have is also very heart-touching. All these activities and actions help in creating those unforgettable memories that you will cherish for life.


Appreciate efforts over results  

There are times when what you have planned doesn't go right; it doesn't matter how hard you have tried. In this situation, your father will never scold you or show anger at your efforts but will help you in coping up with the situation because he has seen your hard work and appreciates your actions instead of the outcome. He will motivate you to try again and give it another shot, maybe this time with more effort, but he will always be at your side to support you. This will influence your mindset and help you in handling more significant problems in the future.


Final Words  

A heart of a father is a masterpiece of nature, and his spirit will let you grow and become stronger to face all the difficulties in life. He will support your efforts, make you feel responsible, and even be with you when you are broken. You just need to make sure that you let your father be a part of your life like our mothers, and then you will realize how helpful, supportive, and brave he is and wants you to be the same. So the above points will let you know how important a father is in your life, and he does so much without even letting you feel it. Make sure you are always there to help your fathers and give all the love and respect he deserves.