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Trapped In An Abusive Relationship On A Foreign Land? Know Your Rights

Relationships are complicated, and things don't always go your way. But that doesn't mean you have to bear the burden of someone else's mistakes.  

That said, anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. Especially if you are an immigrant living in a foreign land, the chances of your becoming a victim of this troubling situation are very high. In such cases, abusers like to prey on their victims by manipulating their immigration rights, provided they have all the control over their immigration documents and status.  

To make things more clear let's try to understand it with an example. You have just got married. After getting married, you have settled down in the United States. Now, for some unknown reason, he is not the person you thought him to be. He continually mentally and physically abuses you and threatens to deport you on the basis that you are his undocumented immigrant wife who has been living with him illegally - which is not the case.  

However, the government is one step ahead and is well informed that domestic violence victims are particularly vulnerable. For this reason, there are specific immigration laws that defend immigrant victims of domestic violence.  

Therefore, if you find yourself stuck in a similar situation, know your rights. The next step needs some hard work to use them to your advantage and get out of this unfortunate situation. Here we will discuss the choices available to you in detail. Let's get started:


The Law Is on Your Side 

As mentioned earlier, the government has formulated some laws for domestic violence victims if they are an immigrant. However, there are three significant ways in the US legal system to get you out of this terrible situation. These are: 

  1. If you are an immigrant spouse of a US citizen (USC) or a lawful permanent resident (LPR) who is a green card holder, you can file a petition that will further remove all residency conditions from you.

  2. Another law also allows you to file a self-petition but only if you meet specific criteria under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). However, in this case, you don't need to be a holder of a green card.

  3. And, if you are a victim of domestic violence and any other type of violent crime, you can apply for U-Visa. To gain this right, you'll have to first cooperate with the law enforcement through all the investigations until you prove your case. 

So, when you know your rights, you have a way out. Besides, knowledge gives you the power to control your fate even in uncertain situations.


Hire an Immigration Attorney 

When you have to deal with the law, you have to take extra precautions. And when you have to find your way out of an abusive relationship when your partner threatens you because of your immigration status, the need to hire an immigration attorney becomes inevitable. 

The chief reason behind it is that being an immigrant, you are not clear of the laws and the procedures you need to follow while getting justice. The lack of knowledge and information becomes a significant barrier in the way of you getting the settlement you deserve. And as an immigrant in another country, this can have disastrous results for you.  

Here are some of the reasons why you need to hire an immigration attorney for your case

An Immigration Attorney Does Not Make Mistakes 

The first step of getting any legal process started is by filing the correct paperwork. It may sound easy, but filing these documents can be a confusing process. And as someone who is already going through a lot, filing the legal documentation process all by yourself is not a rational decision. Moreover, without an expert's guidance, there is an excellent probability that you make mistakes that can further sink the entire application process.  

Therefore, when working with an immigration attorney, he will walk you through all the documentation processes step by step.  


Skilled to Maneuver Permits and Regulations

As a recent immigrant to a new country, you are not knowledgeable about the different rules and regulations you will need to follow to get your documents ready. When you hire an attorney, you'll learn that they can handle your permits and procedural maneuvers for you. It saves you a lot of time and hassle, which you can use for making your case better. It would be best to establish honest relationships and immigration status in the jury's presence and in front of the federal court system. And to achieve that goal, your immigrant attorney will help you on every step.


Knowledge and Experience 

When you have an immigration attorney working by your side, be assured that they have a lot of experience dealing with situations similar to yours. Especially in Florida, dealing with these types of cases is just another run of the mill for distressed citizens. So if you are trapped in an abusive relationship and don’t know where to begin, Florida Immigration Law Counsel can significantly assist you. It is one of the most significant benefits you get from hiring an immigration attorney. With the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney, you can robustly establish your case in front of the jury and the court of law. It is one of the most significant benefits you get from hiring an immigration attorney. With the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney, you can robustly establish your case in front of the jury and the court of law.


They Always Have a Solution for You 

No matter how difficult your situation is, your immigrant attorney will always have a solution for you. You can discuss your options at length with your attorney and choose the one which suits you the most. Whether you are threatened with deportation or something worse, your situation is grave and will need an urgent solution. In a difficult situation like this, your attorney will provide you with the most favorable option.


 The Bottom-Line 

When you become an immigrant of another country, your options become limited. For these reasons, many people would want to take advantage of you. It can result in a broken and abusive relationship from which you may find difficult to escape.  

However, there is a way out for you. Hiring an attorney specializing in immigration laws can get you out of every problem you may face in a foreign land away from your friends and family. So, when you find yourself in a difficult situation like this, don’t think you are alone, and be assured that help is only available when you start looking at the right places.