You can send your video and/or audio MP3 file for free via We Transfer (see to email
- Please frame your shot so we see your head and shoulders. If we can see all of your head and the whole top half of your body, tighten up your shot.
- Show your personality on tape; be fun and energetic. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Be as visual as you can.
- Also, be concise…we’re thinking no more than 4 minutes tops!
- Wear solid colors and make sure your clothes don’t have any logos on them.
- Shoot the tape in front of a colored background, not a plain white wall – not too distracting (a bookcase or kitchen is great.)
- Make sure there aren’t any logos or licensed material (such as movie posters) in the background. (Shooting outside is fine if it’s during the day, not windy and quiet!)
- Make sure you’re a few feet in front of your background (and that it is still), not stuck right up against it. There shouldn’t be movement in this background.
- Make sure there’s no music or TV on in the background while you’re taping.
- Once you've got the camera set up and the background’s ready to roll, record your information once directly to camera, as if your chatting with a friend, so have fun with it!
- Once you’re done, CHECK IT OUT to make sure it’s lit so we can see you, and that your audio is clear.
- Do include a little summary about you, what your video/audio is about, your contact info, with website if applicable and with links
- IMPORTANT! If we play your video/audio, please note that by submitting it to us it constitutes a formal free release from you and anyone else appearing in the video for us to use it as we see fit, without charge. Do not put anyone in the video who does not want to be shown on air (including children whose parents may not be willing to sign a consent form).
We will contact you if we are considering your video for our media – thanks so much, but unfortunately because of the volume of videos we receive, we cannot get in touch with everyone who sends a video!
Valid as from 13 September 2014