3 Tips For Decompressing On Your Commute Home After Work

As a parent, it can be hard to come home from work each evening and be ready to jump right into your parental and home life responsibilities. But to give your family the very best that you have, despite how long you may have worked loading and unloading in a warehouse or sitting at your desk in the office, it’s important that you come through the door each day ready to take on that second shift.

To help you in doing this, here are three tips for decompressing on your commute home after work. 

Start With A Healthy Habit

After a long day’s work, all you may feel like doing is lying down and taking a break. And while this may seem counterintuitive, finding a way to do something physical right after work can help you have a new burst of energy for the rest of the evening. 

If you’re able to, you may want to consider getting a short workout in between getting off work and going home. But if this isn’t possible for you, even just running around your car a few times before you get in to drive can help alert your brain and body that it’s time to switch gears and get ready for the next phase of your day. Plus, starting this process with a healthy habit like some exercise can give you added endorphins to take with you into the evening. 

Do Something You Enjoy On Your Commute

During your actual commute, you can decompress by spending this time doing something that you enjoy. Since you’ve just spent all day at work and are heading home to take care of your kids and household chores, if you neglect to take advantage of the time during your commute, you could wind up feeling like your entire day is spent doing for others and nothing is left for you. 

Whether you’re driving yourself or taking another form of transportation home, you can do things like calling a friend or family member to chat with, listening to your favorite music, podcasts, or audiobooks, or just being mindful. 

Spend Time Being Quiet

If your day spent at work didn’t allow you to spend any quiet time to yourself and you know that your time at home isn’t likely to be peaceful either, just spending some time being quiet can help you decompress at the end of your workday. Putting your phone away, turning off any sounds that you’re able to, and quieting your mindyour mind can help to relax your body and mind so that you’re much less stressed when you arrive at home. 

If you want to make sure that you’ve decompressed from work by that time you get home at the end of the day, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above.