3 Ways To Become More Involved In Your Kids’ Lives

When your kids are young, it’s relatively easy to be involved in their lives because their lives basically revolve around you. But as they get older and more of their life takes place outside of the home, you really have to put some effort in if you want to be a part of their life in the same way that you were when they were younger. Luckily, this is definitely something that all parents can do.

To help you figure out how to execute on this for your family, here are three ways to become more involved in your kids’ lives. 

Go To Their Events

For most kids, there are going to be some kind of events that they’re involved in. This could be extracurricular things that happen outside of school and that you have signed them up for, things that happen during school hours, or even things that they’re just interested in at home. But if they’re things that are important to your kids, you should try to make them important to you, too. 

When events come up and your child is participating in anything, be it a fun run, a debate competition, or a challenge with their favorite video game, make it a point to be there for them and experience some of their favorite things with them in this way. 

Find Somethings You Enjoy Doing Together

Along with watching and cheering on your kid when they’re doing some of their own activities, you can become even more involved in their life if you take the time to find something that you both can enjoy doing together. While there might need to be some compromise on what’s fun for both of you, if the reason you’re doing this is to prioritize your relationship with your child, you should try to be up for anything. 

If there’s something that you know interests your child and is even slightly interesting to you too, consider taking up this hobby together. It could range from redecorating their room or teaming up for a community sports event. 

Get To Know Their Friends

As your kids move into their teenage years, they’re going to start spending more and more time with their friends. So if you don’t know who their friends are and don’t have any kind of relationship with them or their parents, you could really be missing out on a big part of being involved in your kids’ lives. 

To get to know their friends better, consider hosting a party or event at your home so that you can meet and engage with their friends in a casual manner. The more time you spend around them, the more you’ll get to know them and your child’s social situation. 

If you’re wanting to be more involved in your kids’ lives, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get there.