4 Ways Dads Can Survive The Divorce Process

A divorce can affect you emotionally and financially. It can leave you with lots of worries and responsibilities, which may affect your ability to recover from the split. While the aftermath of a divorce may prove to be too much for you to bear, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the impact it has on your finances.

Your finances remain one of the key areas you need to focus on after a divorce, especially if you want to recover fast. However, the truth is that the road to financial recovery post-divorce isn’t decorated with rose flowers, beautiful waterfalls, and landscapes. Instead, it's rough and challenging.

For this reason, we have provided you with some tips on how to survive the divorce process and boost your chances of healing.


Does your Standard of Living take a Hit After a Divorce?

As a dad, your financial responsibilities become smaller and less suffocating when you have a wife who works and earns monthly income. However, when things get sour between you two and divorce happens, your finances will take a hit.

You’ll need to divide your assets, pay for spousal maintenance, and, of course, the big one—child support. And let's not forget the cost of divorce, which comprises court filing fees, attorney fees, mediation fees, etc., all of which amount to around $15,000 (average). These numerous expenses can significantly affect your finances, making the divorce process hard. 

1. Review your budget

After a divorce, what next? You’ll need to review and adjust your budget to your new financial situation.

And how do you do that?

While there are a few traditional ways to review and adjust your budget, using budgeting app software can do the trick fast. Alternatively, you can contact a financial professional if required. Whatever you do, make it a priority to review and adjust your budget to boost your chances of recovering financially. 

2. Update all Financial Documents

After reviewing and adjusting your budget, shift your attention to your financial documents. Documents like your insurance, 401(k), will, and power of attorney should be evaluated and revised accordingly. Afterward, you can start selecting new beneficiaries; this you can do with the help of a family law attorney. 

3. Don't hesitate to seek help

The emotional effects of separation or divorce can be too much for you to bear as a father. Most times, you act manly and brush off any attempt to voice your problems to appropriate individuals, making our case worse.

You don’t have to go through the divorce process alone. Talk to a friend, family member, clergy, life coaches, or professional counselors if it will help ease the pain.

And when everything seems confusing and overwhelming, don’t hesitate to one of those professional family law attorneys at Beerman LLP for help. You'll need the help of a family law attorney to navigate the divorce process effectively, without any mistakes or difficulty. 

4.  Review your Insurance and Benefits

You’ll want to review your insurance and benefits thoroughly after a divorce. Do you or your family members need more home, life, or car insurance? If yes, make the necessary moves. However, if you and your family don’t, you know what to do.

The National Center for Biotech Information Research specified that for many dependent partners losing health insurance offered by a spouse’s work can make the divorce hard to bear. 


The aftermath of a divorce can be difficult and emotional. While you try to come to terms with the recent changes, ensure that you start making plans on how to recover and survive through the process. The tips above can help in that regard.