5 Reasons Why You Should Switch To An Eco-Friendly Shaving Routine

There’s something undeniably cool about shaving with a safety razor, or for the steady of hand a cut-throat razor, using some good old soapy lather and a shaving brush.  

Yet, keeping it stylish isn’t the only reason to switch to an eco-friendly shaving routine. Benefits for the environment, for the bank balance and even for the shaver’s health, are all part of the package. 

What is an eco-friendly shaving routine?

There’s no cut and dry definition of an eco-friendly shaving routine. At its most basic it involves reducing waste and swapping out nasty chemicals for more natural alternatives. This may be through exchanging a disposable razor for a reusable or buying soap bars rather than foams and gels that come in plastic packaging. While each shaver may approach eco-friendly shaving in a slightly different way the benefits are often universal.

1)   A close shave

While many disposable or electric razors seem to be forever claiming a new advance that gives them a closer and closer shave, there’s nothing quite like a shave with a cut-throat or a safety razor.  

The skill involved in a cut-throat razor can seem intimidating, however, once learnt it can be a truly wonderful way to transform a morning stubble into something smooth and glorious. An easier tool to master is the safety razor, which was designed precisely to avoid uncomfortable cuts and nicks.   

Choosing a safety razor may be a little confusing at first. Visit this handy blog for tips on how to make the right choice: How to choose the right safety razor for a good clean shave.

2)   Cut unnecessary waste

One of the main environmental benefits of switching to a safety or cut-throat razor is the reduction in unnecessary waste. While disposable and electric razors are often made of non-recyclable plastics, eco-razors are made of metal. This means they are more robust, and less likely to break. 

The ability to sharpen the cut-throat razor, and replace the blade on the safety razor, also means that the whole razor does not need to be thrown away on a regular basis. The razor blades are also highly recyclable, whereas disposable razors often aren’t.  

Beyond the razor, an eco-routine often includes the use of natural soaps or shaving foams with less packing. From shaving foams in reusable glass jars to bars of soap in cardboard packaging, there are many options for less plastic waste and more that can be recycled or reused.

3)   Gentle on the skin

Everyone who shaves on a regular basis knows how harsh shaving can be on the skin. The action of scraping a blade across the skin can cause micro-abrasions, which can result in infections.  

While safety and cut-throat razors don’t save the skin from all the problems of conventional razors it has been found that they reduce the chances of causing ingrown hairs. This is because the multiple blades of the conventional razor can pull at hairs causing them to be cut beneath the surface of the skin.  

The use of natural oils, soaps and foams, have their own advantages for skin health, depending on which ingredients are used. Oils such as coconut and olive oil help to moisturise the skin as well as smooth the shaving process. By comparison petroleum oils used in many conventional shaving products actually dry out the skin.

4)   Cutting costs 

Often making the more eco choice can seem like the more expensive one, however, when it comes to shaving there can be plenty of savings to be had. The initial investment in good quality shaving equipment may seem more expensive than their throw away compatriots, but the saving comes in their long-lasting natures. A good quality set, well-looked after, may well last a lifetime.  

Unfortunately, natural soaps and foams are often pricier than more mainstream products, however, there are plenty of recipes available for making homemade mixes using simple ingredients that can be bulk brought.  

A simple shaving foam can be created by whipping together shea butter, almond oil and essential oils, perfect for lubricating the razor and moisturising the skin.  

5)   Taking pleasure in the routine

Mindfulness has been a growing mental health movement aimed at being present in the moment and engaging the act taking place. For many people, shaving is simply a chore that needs to be completed as quickly as possible. Yet, by going back to a longer, more thoughtful shaving routine, it can become a part of self-care.  

Not only does extra time taken to give time for the shaver to enjoy the process, but it can also benefit the skin by introducing extra skincare through the use of additional oils and moisturisers.

Make the swap

With so many benefits to an eco-friendly shaving routine why wait? From healthier skin to a fatter wallet, there are many reasons to grab that safety razor and get to mixing homemade shaving foam.  

This guide to eco-friendly shaving is a great place to start. 

The good news is that even for those that do not want to replace every item within the bathroom cupboard at once, many eco-shaving products can be used in conjunction with conventional shaving equipment.  

Whether starting by investing in a new safety razor or simply swapping to a natural shaving soap, each step in the right direction has its own benefits both to the shaver and the planet.