Cooking And Food Wisdom From The Bible

If you're a chef, foodie, or restaurant owner, then you know firsthand the importance of high-quality food. If you're a spiritual person, then you know that there are Bible verses and sayings in the Holy Bible that surround food, too.

With this in mind, you might be trying to find a way to merge what the Bible says about food with the way you cook, prepare, or approach it. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to incorporate cooking and food wisdom that stem from this religious text. Continue reading on to explore some of these ideas.

Take note of your finances.

Here's the thing: If you're trying to start a business that holds the values mentioned in the Bible, then you're going to want to start with getting the restaurant equipment you need. However, restaurant equipment can run at a high price. For this reason, you should check out a different way to get the equipment you'll need to get started. Help from a lender that offers restaurant equipment Bend Oregon will ensure that you can get the equipment for a reasonable price.

Starting a business almost always begins as a modest endeavor, so making sure that yours is an affordable venture is quite important. Luckily, leasing critical equipment like refrigerators, commercial ovens, grills, freezers, glassware, tableware, and other restaurant supplies doesn't have to break the bank entirely. Leasing offers the opportunity to start your food business out on the right foot so that your focus can go toward serving your customers in a manner that aligns with your faith.

Make sure to include good company.

So now that your finances are squared away, it's time to align some of your restaurant's values with the scriptures. One message from the original texts of scripture is that we're better in company and community than we are alone. Keep this message in mind as you create your restaurant.

It's also a good idea to remember to include others as you enjoy any kind of meal, too. After all, cooking a meal for you and the people around you is one way to serve others and relish in the benefits of a loving congregation and great food. It's quite common to find verses that speak on a community in the Bible. If you want to look for more meaning, quotes, and proverbs, then it's wise to equip yourself with a new living translation Bible so that you can choose more of God's word to incorporate into your restaurant or food business.

Remember to prioritize where your food comes from.

Most people have heard the saying, "Give a person a fish and they'll eat for a day, but teach a person to fish and they'll eat for a lifetime." While this isn't a literal translation, it can still teach a valuable lesson.

When it comes to food, this saying can be taken a bit further. Instead of choosing poor ingredients, it's a wonderful choice to pick out fresh, locally sourced ingredients that benefit your location's ecosystem and teach you all of the hard work that goes into producing the particular items you love to eat.

Always indulge in moderation.

Matthew 14:19 says, "Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves." This verse reminds readers to eat and take what they need, no more or less, and that they give thanks for the food, too. It is wise advice, as this sort of moderation is a healthy way to approach nourishment so that you enjoy it and appreciate all of the work that goes into producing it.