Finding Quality Component Parts For Electronics Repair

Doing electronics repair could be a hobby or could be an annoying necessity to get something essential in working order again.

Either way, finding parts isn't always the most straightforward task. Finding quality parts can be even more of a taxing job. 

How many times have you started a project only to realize you can’t find the parts you need? Or perhaps you have the parts, but the quality is so shocking that it was a waste of time and money hunting it down. 

This article aims to show you the common ways people hunt for electronic components, the pros and cons of these options, and then the most efficient and effective way of finding quality components for electronics repair.

Keep reading to find out more...


This is a no-brainer. If you know what electronic component you need, and you know a store that sells it, chances are you can get the item quicker than you could if you ordered it online. 

Shops often have catalogs for you to take home and browse at your leisure, so you may be able to go into the shop fully-armed with the knowledge of the part you want, rather than stand around in the store, browsing the catalog, hoping to find the item you require. 


First, let's explore the pros:

  • It can be the quickest option, especially if you already looked up the component in the store catalog. You can go in-store, buy the part, go home and start your repair theory, anyway.

  • Quality will vary, probably dependent on price, but generally, you can find suitable quality components. You also have the bonus of being able to physically touch the item, which often gives you a good indication of quality and durability. 

  • You'll save on shipping. As you are going directly to the shop for the item, you don’t have to wait around for shipping times and save yourself shipping costs. 

  • Support local businesses- a lot of people like to support local businesses, especially if the company is independent and not a chain store. 

There are other pros, but that's all we have time for here. 


You may browse the catalog at home or in-store, find the component you want, only to find out that the item is not in stock.

Sometimes the staff can tell you when it will be in stock again, but often it is just guesswork, and it may require another wasted trip or two before you can get your hands on the item you want.

Stores often offer to order the part in for you- this is all well and good, but this usually takes days, if not weeks, and by that point, you could have ordered it online yourself.

Often stores don't offer the best prices. Like with all shops, online or on-premise, they want to make a profit. However, on-premises stores have more overheads to cover than most online stores do. This often reflects in their bumped-up prices.

Components are often significantly more expensive in stores then they are online. 

Quality- as mentioned above, quality can be a pro for store-bought components, because you can find excellent quality electrical components.

However, this is not always the case, and it may take a few attempts or a bit of shopping around until you find the quality you are looking for.


eBay is a popular option for many when it comes to searching for components. It's an excellent option for finding quality parts, sometimes for a bargain, but it does involve investing time and energy, especially if it's bought via “auction.” 


You can find bargains- If you search hard enough, and invest enough time and effort into it, you can find great deals for parts on eBay. Auction items can often be sold for cheap, especially if the seller doesn’t put a reserve on t

Search- you can search for a specific item, so you can, therefore, find the exact item you want, sometimes at bargain prices. You can also find unusual and unique articles on eBay, as you can search for things worldwide. 

Fun- eBay is fun at times, especially when you can nab a great deal. 


The quality isn't assured- even if you find the exact item you want, it is often a gamble buying on eBay. If the thing is “new,” chances are you will be fine, but if the item's used, you're taking a gamble. Often it pays off. Sometimes it doesn’t.

A good tip is to look at seller reviews and star ratings- if a lot of people complain, maybe steer clear.

Shipping- If the item doesn’t state free shipping, you may have to pay a lot for shipping, especially if it is an international item. Also, foreign goods can take a long time to arrive. 

Price- Though bargains can be found (and when they are, it’s excellent), be careful not to spend extortionate amounts on a component. Some sellers put the prices of things right up, especially if the item is hard to come by.

This is especially the case with the “buy it now” option. Hunt around- don’t just go for the first option you see. 

Time-consuming- Unless you choose a “buy it now” option, in which case you will have bought the item instantly, eBay auction can be time-consuming and not always fruitful. 

Frustrating- Often, with eBay auction, you invest lots of time bidding only to find you were outbid at the last moment. It's frustrating and a waste of time when this happens. It makes you wonder if there is an easy way to get quality items…

Salvaging and Grab-Bags:

Salvaging items is the cheapest method of finding parts. However, it is not quality-assured, and chances are you won’t find the exact thing you are looking for. Also, in all likelihood, the reason it's been got rid of is that it's broken. 

The same goes for grab-bags. It's fun and exciting to predict the goodies inside the bag, but it's a gamble. Grab-bags are full of miscellaneous bits and bobs, and this can take lots of time and effort to sort through.

You also have no idea if the part you need is in probably isn’t.  

So this option is excellent for those of you who want a jumble of electronic parts for various projects, but if you need a specific item, and a quality one at that, this option is probably not the best at all. 


Some companies will send you free samples on request. Yep, free! It often requires little more than registering online and requesting a free sample.

This can be a great way to get quality components for nothing. Not all online companies do this, of course, but ask around. 

The Best Way to Find Components for Electronics Repair

The above told you some good options for finding components for electronics repair, but what is the most efficient way to get quality components? An online parts catalog. 

How so?

  • It does the hard work for you- many (good) online parts catalogs take out all the hard work for you? It allows you to hunt down the specific component you want quickly and efficiently.

  • It allows you to search for specific items, telling you in moments whether the thing is in stock and how much it will cost. 

  • Filters- if you want to narrow down your search, you can choose certain keyword features to filter the search results. This makes finding your component a quicker process. 

  • Up-to-date information. An online catalog is continually updating to provide relevant information to both staff and customers. 

  • Quality- You can search the exact item you want, so you know if the brand is good-quality or not. 

  • It often features many different supplies and manufacturers, so you have options to choose from. 

Plus, pricing can be kept down due to fewer overheads. Also, you can often comparison shop components, so you can choose what suits your budget better. For more info on this see more here

Electronics Repair- It Doesn’t Have to be Difficult

Finding the right components for your electronics repair project can be a tedious and stressful process. It often involves lots of searching and trial and error in terms of quality, but this doesn’t have to be the case. 

Using an online parts catalog will save you time, stress, and money, while at the same time giving you the specific, quality component that you desire.

Of course, it’s not the only way to find quality components, as highlighted above, but it can often be the most surefire and efficient way to do so.  

If you’re still unsure whether a component is high-quality or not, research into the manufacturer - their process, their values, and goals, this will provide some much-needed insight as to whether a company will supply quality goods.