How Liposuction Compares To Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

Men hoping to enhance their existing body shape and look like the best version of themselves frequently consider liposuction for fast, effective, and natural-looking results. At Iteld Plastic Surgery in the Chicago area, liposuction is frequently chosen by patients considering a range of cosmetic techniques for achieving leaner, more sculpted body proportions. Also referred to as lipo, lipoplasty, or liposculpture, the procedure is a popular one, but Dr. Lawrence Iteld finds that many patients are still somewhat unsure whether surgical liposuction or a nonsurgical option, such as CoolSculpting® or Kybella®, would be best for them.  

First, it is important to note that, in order to maintain good health and lose overall body weight, a healthy diet and regular exercise are critical. The problem is that targeted weight loss or reducing fat in isolated areas of the body simply isn’t possible—we can’t get rid of those pesky love handles or those saddle bags with diet and exercise alone. Everyone’s body type, as well as the way fat is stored and distributed throughout the body, is different. Genetics, gender, hormonal changes, age, metabolism, and lifestyle are some of the many factors that affect the way fat cells grow and shrink and the relative distribution of those fat pockets, and also why we each have particular body shapes. 

Because of this, cosmetic body sculpting is the technique of choice for people dealing with pinchable or grabbable amounts of fat that refuse to go away through conventional techniques.



Tumescent liposuction, the most frequently used surgical fat removal technique, involves injecting the treatment areas with a solution that causes the subcutaneous fat to firm up and blood vessels to temporarily constrict. Most simply put, tiny, hidden incisions are made, and hollow tubes called cannula are connected to a surgical vacuum, then inserted to dislodge and suction out the underlying fat. Because the fat cells are removed in a matter of hours, the new, improved contours are visible right away, though initial swelling will obscure the truly final results for some weeks to come. 

Liposuction is used for “trouble spots” on most parts of the body, including the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, flanks, upper arms, jawline, and neck. Power-assisted liposuction is the technique most often employed at Iteld Plastic Surgery. This method allows the surgeon a greater level of control, precision, and ease, while being less stressful to the surrounding tissues.  

Liposuction isn’t suited for addressing contour problems due to excess amounts of loose, saggy, or dimpled skin, or cellulite. Patients who want to address tissue laxity have other options available, such as tummy tuck surgery.  



The goal of nonsurgical CoolSculpting® is to freeze and destroy fat cells, which are then gradually flushed out by the body while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. This treatment, which employs applicators that sit flat against the skin but make no incisions, is used for most areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, and chin. There is little to no downtime required after a session, making CoolSculpting® great for patients who want to avoid surgery or injections. That said, the results are more gradual since breaking down the crystallized fat cells takes time. Reduction is not as dramatic as liposuction, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired volume reduction.



As we get older, our face can lose its defined, youthful shape. Skin can droop downward to form jowls. Farther down, fat cells can grow to form a double chin. Kybella® is approved by the FDA for eliminating this unwanted excess fat in the submental area. It also has off-label applications to address arm fat, love handles, jawline and jowls, and more.  

Kybella® injections are administered with small needles. This injectable contains a synthetic form of a bile acid that is naturally occurring in the body. Known as deoxycholic acid, the ingredient is effective at reducing volume in small areas that can’t be treated with CoolSculpting®. As with other nonsurgical options, multiple treatments may be required. 

The best candidates for liposuction, CoolSculpting®, and Kybella® are people who are healthy, slim, close to their ideal body weight, and able to maintain a stable weight. If you are significantly overweight and your goal is to lose weight for health reasons, it’s better to improve your diet and intensify physical activity before choosing a body-contouring treatment or procedure. Once stable weight is achieved, a board-certified plastic surgeon can help you determine which type of body contouring technique is best for you.  

Ready to learn more about surgical and nonsurgical fat-reduction options? Reach out to the Chicago-based Iteld Plastic Surgery by calling 312.757.4505 or fill out a short contact form online.