How To Stay Calm? 5 Tips On How To Stay Calm In Any Situation

How to stay calm under pressure? How to stay cool, and not nervous in stressful, confrontational, and any other critical situations? A quarrel with a loved one, a traffic jam on the way to work, a conflict with the boss, a child's tantrum, a colleague's disrespectful attitude, a line in the supermarket, etc. In this article, I will share with you 5 tips and techniques for staying calm in any situation.

When we are nervous or upset, our body sends us different signals: our pulse increases, our temperature rises, our voice becomes louder, our muscles tense... At such moments, remember these tips, maybe they will help you to cope with the situation with dignity. And discover these 10 Stress Releasing And Stress Relieving Activities to overcome the stress and stay calm in a most effective way.



Above all, learn to pay attention to the signals your body sends out in situations of tension and stress. It is important to be able to identify how your body reacts in such circumstances so that you can then pull yourself together. If you can change the situation, do it for your peace of mind. If you can control your thoughts, you are halfway to victory.

Forget about negative thoughts and try to see the positives. 



"1-2-3-4-5....9-10." Believe me, this technique is very effective - pause, breathe deeply and slowly and count (to 10 or 100) until you calm down. This will help you avoid mistakes and not say unnecessary things you may regret later. Practice breathing slowly and deeply when you feel comfortable and relaxed so that you can automatically resort to it in stressful or any other situation when you're nervous. Inhale the air, hold it for 5 seconds and then slowly exhale. Notice how the tension in your body decreases as you do so.



If you see that the situation makes you so angry and nervous that you are ready to "explode" and cannot calm down in any way, try to be objective. Look at the situation from the outside, as if it doesn't concern you and has happened to someone else. What do you see? Has your attitude changed or not? If this person asks for your advice, what will you recommend? 



Healthy eating plays a huge role - food affects not only our body but also our mood. Find out what foods are good for your brain. What foods contain tryptophan to help lift your mood? Some people start drinking coffee or grabbing a cigarette to calm down, thinking it will help. 

Healthy eating is very important - food affects not only our body but also our mood. Find out what foods are good for your brain. It can be difficult to find the time to prepare all of the most appropriate dishes when you have a busy schedule. Also watch what you drink; not only coffee, but any other beverage containing caffeine makes us even more nervous. Sugary foods also produce the opposite effect that we need. Instead of calmness, they give us energy, so we can feel even more agitated.

Experts recommend in such cases dark chocolate and foods rich in vitamin C: strawberries, oranges, etc., because they help to reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone), as well as various relaxing drinks (such as valerian or linden tea).



Try to see the positive side of what is happening and treat the situation with a sense of humour. Laugh at yourself, at the circumstances, even if it seems difficult to you! You and I know that staying calm and cool in any situation - not an easy task. It requires patience, practice, desire, and willpower - all these qualities will keep you from feeling defeated even when it's very difficult and everything seems to be out of control. To relax and get positive emotions to do something you like - for example, enjoy your favourite online casino game and get casino bonus, listen to music, or dance!