Let’s Go Fishing

If you are thinking about going fishing for the first time, we have some useful information for you. 

FAD fishing 

You have no doubt heard about tales of anglers raising over 30 Blue Marlin, and releasing half of them in a mere day while enjoying fishing. A lot of people fear that this is too good to be true – they think that people must be exaggerating. However, that is not the case. These anglers have experienced FAD fishing, and if you are yet to try it, you really should give it a go. Read on to discover everything you need to know.


What is FAD fishing? 

Let’s begin by actually explaining what FAD fishing is for those who are unaware. FAD is short for ‘fish aggregating device’. It is basically an object, which comes in a number of different shapes and sizes, which is utilised to entice ocean going pelagic fish. This includes everything from Marlin and Wahoo to Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna. If you go FAD fishing, you are guaranteed to attract a huge number of fish – there is no question about it. This is why FAD fishing has become so popular, especially with tourists, as they know that they can expect to hook around ten Marlin per trip, if not more.

Booking a FAD fishing trip 

Now that you know what FAD fishing is, the next step is to book your FAD fishing experience. It is important to do this with care. A lot of people book with the first company they lay their eyes on, or the cheapest. This is not an advisable approach. Needless to say, there are lots of companies providing FAD fishing, as fishing is one of the most popular activities. However, not all of them offer the high levels of quality and experience you need. You want a company that has been in operation for a lot of years, and that has plenty of experience in FAD fishing so that they know the most effective techniques to use in order to attract the highest number of fish. 

Of course, you will also want to consider a number of other aspects when booking a trip. For example, you will want to get a good idea regarding what the day is going to involve. Will there be refreshments and snacks on-board? Does the crew cater to beginners as well as more experienced anglers? Whereabouts are you going to go fishing? These are all questions you need to ask when looking for the best company for FAD fishing.


Five types of fish you should try your hand at hooking when enjoying fishing

There is no denying that fishing has achieved a reputation as one of the best activities to enjoy in the world. One of the reasons why this is the case is because there are some stunning locations to go fishing and so many different species too. With that being said, below, we are going to take a look at five of the best species you should try your hand at catching when buying fishing kits for new anglers and trying fishing for the first time.

MARLIN – There really is only one species of fish that is worthy of beginning this list with, and this is Marlin. There are three different types of Marlin. This is Black, Blue, and Striped Malin. This is a fish that is incredibly powerful. There have been experienced anglers that have managed to hook Marlin weighing approximately 800 lbs. Most people hook Marlin between 200 lbs. and 500 lbs. You will have an exciting and thrilling test against this type of fish.

SAILFISH – Next, we have sailfish! Sailfish is a perfect option for those new to the world of fishing. When compared with other species, sailfish are not as challenging to catch. They do not have the amount of strength that Roosterfish and Marlin do. However, don’t let this fool you into thinking they are boring. Once hooked, they put on an amazing display.

ROOSTERFISH – It is a huge achievement to say you have caught a Roosterfish. You may catch a fish that’s longer than you, as these fish can be as long as six feet.

DORADO – There are a number of different reasons why fishing for Dorado is so enjoyable. Not only does this fish but on an incredible fight, but the display is incredible. Dorado can be very colorful, so this makes their length tail walks and high leaps even more exciting. From blue to gold; Dorado comes in so many different colors. 

YELLOWFIN TUNA - Finally, Yellowfin Tuna is one of the most deceiving species of fish. A lot of people think that, because they are small in size, they are easy to catch. However, their strength is bound to impress you. For their size, they have a very hard pull. Because of this, a lot of patience is going to be needed to make a catch.

So there you have it: an introduction into the world of fishing. We hope that you have found this information useful. A lot of people want to go fishing but they never do because they are scared to get started. You should not feel this way. The fishing community is very friendly and welcoming to all, so give it a go. You are bound to have huge amounts of fun!