Quick Ways For Dads To Work From Home More Efficiently

Dads always struggle to find work/life balance with the demands of building a successful family life. If you consider that more and more dads are becoming dadpreneurs, and/or working from home, being hands-on with their kids, coordinating with your business, employees and fellow workers becomes even more challenging. All whilst whilst trying to preserve a semblance of your sanity.  

In fact in 2017, the number of stay-at-home fathers as a percentage of stay-at-home parents reached an all-time high of 20.2% in 2017, according to the Pew Research Center, and this is an increasing trend worldwide. Many of these dads run full or part-time businesses from home.

If, like me, you are a stay-at-home dad business owner, there are ways to increase your personal efficiency and sanity, so that you remain a calm and present father whilst running a thriving business. Let’s dive in.

1. Automate Your Business

Most businesses, let alone those that are run from home use internet based apps and software applications, and as a hands on father you need to squeeze out every minute you can get. No doubt Google has become your best friend, love it or hate it, with myriad free tools for organizing your work and life schedules. In fact, it is hard to imagine life without it (can I hear you shudder virtually at the prospect?).

In my case, I also run a non-for-profit organization from home, where the administrative duties can be really complex, so an all-in-one finance, HR, payroll and time organizing software application like https://www.sparkrock.com/scheduling/ is essential, so that you can easily create employees and management schedules and overtime payments.


2. Create a Comfortable Home Office Space

Your home office can rapidly become the area where you seem to spend 50% of your time, and if it is not relaxing and comfortable, it is easy to start to feel over-run on space, claustrophobic and you’ll find yourself making excuses not to be in it. Put some careful thought into how you want to organize your home office space so that it gives you the space and comfort that you need, because after all, it will become the most important room in your business.

Choose the best quality office furnishings you can find, and treat yourself to a really nice chair for your home office https://sunpan.com/usa/products/living/occasional-chairs ,that will impress your favorite clients and create a really professional feel.

3. Take Regular Breaks And Get Some Fresh Air

In between running the business and looking after the kids, it can become easy to forget to go aside and  get some fresh air, to let off some steam. Research has shown that staying indoors all day in even the most comfortable office space increases mental fatigue, mind fogginess and physical tiredness, when That difficult task can easily become more difficult if your mind and body feels tired.

Everyone has their ideal outdoor activity, and so try to get outdoors for an hour per day, and some studies have shown that exposure to natural light during the day can improve your sleep. Whether you like running, walking, swimming or target shooting Tenpoint Crossbow Technologies crossbows in your back garden, your will get a chance to decompress, then return to your desk and tackle those difficult tasks more efficiently.

What are your best tips for running a home-based business or working from home?   

About the Author

Jim Mckenzie is the Founder of Everything For Dads, a Life Coach and the creator of the Dads Stress Buster Program. Find out more abbot Jim and his work here