Posts tagged Work and Travel
Balancing Fatherhood And A Traveling Career: Tips For Staying Connected

Life on the road with a career isn’t a walk in the park—especially when you’re a dad. Whether you’re a pilot, a touring artist, or in sales, trying to keep up with your kids’ lives while handling the demands of your job can feel like the most challenging job you’ll ever do. But it’s not impossible! With a mix of the right tech and a few smart strategies, you can keep those father-child bonds strong.

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How to Cut the Costs of Your Commute

Our jobs are supposed to be our moneymakers, yet, while this is true for the most part, it’s hard to deny that they can cost us a pretty penny too. We need to buy professional clothing to look the part, have money in the wallet for takeaway coffees and food, and it’s not exactly cheap to get to your worksite and back home every day ( around $2500 each year). But the good news is that there are always ways to cut this cost. We take a look at four ways how below.

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