Tips For Choosing The Best Material To Resurface Your Pool With

It might be time to start thinking about resurfacing your pool if your pool's surfaces have begun to show significant signs of breaking down. If you are looking to resurface your pool, there are a variety of things that you will want to consider when choosing the right materials. Below, we will be going over some of the key things that you should think about and consider when choosing the ideal material to use.


1. Budget

One of the main things that are likely going to impact your resurfacing decision would be the budget that you are willing to lay out. You want to factor in the budget that you have to work with when you are choosing because you want to find a material that can fit within it. You need to find a material that you are going to be able to fit into your overall budget because resurfacing can get very expensive with more expensive materials. For instance, if you are going to be opting for the most affordable option, you are likely going to be considering plaster as it happens to be the cheapest. Whereas, if you are not dealing with any budget limitations, you might be looking at either concrete or pebble. Figure out the budget that you have to spend, and you should be able to identify the optimal material to utilize for your pool's resurfacing.


2. Durability

Another major thing that you are going to want to consider when it comes to finding the ideal material to use would be the level of durability that it offers. You want to find the material that offers the highest level of durability because it is going to increase the kind of usage you are able to get out of your pool prior to it wearing down. The durability is also going to impact the overall lifetime cost of your pool because the less durable the material, the more you will likely need to resurface your pool, to begin with. Plaster might be the cheapest option when it comes to resurfacing your pool, but because it is the least durable, it might end up being even more expensive than some of the other more expensive but increasingly durable options.


3. Aesthetics

Another major thing that is likely going to impact your decision would be the overall aesthetics of the resurfacing material. The aesthetics are likely going to be more important for homeowners because they want a pool that is going to increase the overall value of their home. Without a good-looking aesthetic, the pool is not going to provide the kind of boost in value that a good looking pool will provide. Therefore, if you are looking at your pool and its long-term return on investment for boosting the overall value of your home, you are likely going to be willing and able to spend much more on the resurfacing and you will be much more inclined to opt for a material that is aesthetically pleasing and stylish. Whereas, if you are looking for resurfacing for a community pool or a commercial pool, the aesthetics might not necessarily be as important as durability and other factors.

Now that we have gone over some of the factors that you are likely going to be considering when you are determining which material to invest in, we will be going over specific materials that you are likely going to be choosing between.


Materials That You Will Be Considering:


1. Concrete

This is going to be the most durable option that you have available to you when it comes to pool resurfacing. With that being said, it is not going to offer the kind of aesthetics that you might be looking for. Thus, depending on your needs, it might fit what you are looking to accomplish with your pool's resurfacing. Because of its superior durability, it is a common material that is often used in public swimming pools due to its ability to withstand a lot of wear and tear. Because it is concrete, you will be able to paint it in just about any color that you wish.


2. Pebble

Pebble is a good option for those that are looking for a good amount of durability with style to match. Typically, it comes with a mix of pebble and plaster which offers much better durability than plaster alone. It is one of the most popular resurfacing materials that a lot of pool owners choose because it happens to be the most durable and stain resistant. Also, because you will be able to find pebbles available in just about any color that you could possibly want, it offers unlimited style matching possibilities. Thus, it is going to be a preferred option for those that want something that is going to look great and last a long time.


3. Plaster

Plaster is going to be a good option for those that are looking for the cheapest possible resurfacing material that they can find. The biggest downside to plaster comes with its inability to withstand a lot of wear and tear. It is the least durable resurfacing material that you can choose from. Thus, it would require more maintenance and frequent resurfacing every couple of years or so. While it is fairly easy to repair, it might not offer the level of durability that you are looking for depending on the amount of use your pool gets and the type of abuse it gets.

Overall, there are a lot of different things that you will want to consider when you are shopping for the right pool remodeling and resurfacing material. By factoring in everything above including your budget, durability requirements, aesthetics, and more - you should be able to find the right resurfacing material to choose for your pool. There are solid options depending on the level of durability you want with the material and the amount of money that you are looking to spend.