Who Do You Think You Are?

Identity has been at the centre of a philosophical and existential debate since the beginning of times. Many thinkers and philosophers have addressed the question of who we are as individuals, from Jean-Paul Sartre with his definition of existentialism to John Locke’s theory of consciousness. Inevitably, we still ask ourselves who we are and who we want to be on a daily basis. But one thing has changed since the time of the great philosophers. Namely, we rely on digital technology in every aspect of our lives, whether it is as a mean of communication or as a way to present your work to a group of customers. As a result, it’s fair to say that digital technology is embedded in everybody’s existence, and therefore in the best position to finally help to address the infamous identity question. Can you ask your favourite tech gadget to help you figure out who you are?


My tracker knows me better than anyone

The latest fitness trend has enhanced the need to know at all time where you stand on your fitness journey. As a result, fitness trackers have become a go-to item for all those who want to stay fit and healthy. Contrary to what the name suggests, the tracker doesn’t only record your performance in terms of speed or movement, but it also monitors your heartbeat, your sleeping patterns, and your calories consumption. Most trackers let you gain an overview of your personal fitness information, which can be accompanied by recommendations for improvements. Additionally, you can also share your results by connecting to other tools, such as finding apps that rewards your fitness efforts through discount vouchers or money. Your fitness tracker knows your biological data as well as some of your shopping and social media sharing preferences. It’s fair to say that the trackers of the future might even be able to impersonate you online.


The tech that can tell who you are

Technology is also used as an identification solution, such as using facial recognition to unlock your device for example. Admittedly, it’s fair to say that not every facial recognition tool is effective for the time being, . However errors can be improved through smart AI learning and deployable identity recognition, such as Netverify identity solutions. Indeed, as tech gadgets can combine more information about a person’s identity, from facial features to ID number, it’s easy to see how a multi-factor recognition process can provide security and reliability. 


The right to be nobody

As a result of the GDPR regulations, customers from an EU country have gained the right to let technology erase their existence. As we are still trying to figure out who we are, some can choose to become nobody in the eye of technology. With this, technology creates a new answer to the identity problem. You don’t have to define who you are. You don’t have to be a quantifiable entity in the business world. Technology grants EU citizens the right to a non-identity.


In conclusion, there is no end to the eternal debate of who we are. However, technology has delivered new answers that can create a safe and manageable digital identity.