Study Reports That Modern British Fathers Have Stronger Bonds With There Children
Modern British dads have a closer bond with their children than they had with their own fathers, according to new research.
More than six out of ten believe they enjoy a better, more supportive and hands-on relationship with their children than they themselves experienced, research by found.
The childcare provider said the research found that the new generation of fathers also makes more effort to spend time with their families; with 60 per cent admitting their own father was too busy working to enjoy quality time with them.
More than six out of ten dads believe they enjoy a better, more supportive and hands-on relationship with their own children than they themselves experienced (file photo) while growing up
The study also found that close to seven out of ten believed they communicated more frequently and effectively with their children. They also created interests that could be commonly shared and generally played a 'bigger part' in their kids’ lives than their own fathers did.
And a further seven in 10 said they were responsible for organising days out for the family.
When asked to reflect on their own relationships with their fathers, one in four claimed it was difficult because he was 'old fashioned' - while 24 per cent said their mum played a more leading role in their upbringing, with dad remaining in the background. A further 30 percent said their dad had 'shown little emotion' towards them.
The most common justification for modern dads making more effort was a feeling that they had to get right what previous generations of parents had got wrong.
One in five said their patriarch was 'difficult to talk to' and 15 per cent said he had been a 'disciplinarian' growing up.
The survey also revealed a generational shift in the way fathers parent now, with the majority mucking in with jobs like the school run or getting up in the night.
Divide: One in five modern dads said their father was 'difficult to talk to' and 15 per cent said he had been a 'disciplinarian' growing up (file photo)
Liz Fraser, Modern Family Expert for, observed: 'The research shows that the "Modern Dad" is fully integrated into the care of their children beyond the more traditional set-up where mum was the primary lead for the day-to-day parental tasks.
'The shift demonstrates an overall move within gender roles as both men and women take on opportunities and commitments outside the household.'
She added: 'It's also clear that dads are taking the time to reflect on their own childhood, looking to learn from their experiences as they bond with their children.'
Jeff Brazier, the former husband of the late Jade Goody, said: 'As a single dad of two, I make all the important parenting decisions.
'It’s not surprising that dads today make more of an effort to spend time with their children, and are responsible for organising fun days out with the kids.
'For me it’s important to create memories and share as many good times as possible.'
It also emerged that the wide variety of activities available to modern families is helping to solidify the bond between parents and children.
Of the 1,500 dads who took part in the research, six out of ten said they had shared interests with their children, including playing or watching football or rugby, swimming and television and film.
Many fathers (21 per cent) also believed there was an expectation to be more involved amid the age of equality.
And 26 per cent said they felt pressure from other dads to be seen as a good father.
Killing off the stereotype of dad coming home from work and plonking himself on the sofa for the evening, the stats show fathers are now happy to get stuck in with housework, as well as child-related activities and life admin.
Seven out of ten said they regularly cooked dinner, while six out of ten prepared breakfast for the children.
Forty-five per cent claimed they do the laundry and 42 per cent read bedtime stories.
Another 42 per cent do the school run and the same number frequently get up in the night to give their partner a rest.
More than one in four would also happily stay at home if one of the children was sick.