Becoming A Successful Male Influencer: How Do They Do It?

Becoming a social media influencer in 2018 seems to be the new lawyer. So many young people are now stepping away from high profile jobs and looking to make some money in the world of the internet. It is not surprising that so many of us are taking this path, thousands of people are making a living from simply posting photos on Instagram and editing videos. But how do we get into this crazy world of the influencer?

Becoming a social media influencer in 2018 seems to be the new lawyer. So many young people are now stepping away from high profile jobs and looking to make some money in the world of the internet. It is not surprising that so many of us are taking this path, thousands of people are making a living from simply posting photos on Instagram and editing videos. But how do we get into this crazy world of the influencer?


Pick Your Platform

The worst thing you can do for yourself as you start out in social media is to sign up for every single social media at once. There is no way you will be able to handle having active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest at the same time. Pick which social media channel you want to get started on and make sure you put all of your energy into it.


Promote Products

The way people make money on social media is by promoting brands and products. Once you have reached a certain following you will start to have contact from brands and PR companies asking you to post an Instagram photo or share a video to promote their product. But what about when you are starting out? Let’s say you want to promote products from - you will need to first of all email them and tell them about yourself and your social media. Let them know why you want it promote their products and make sure to compliment what they make. This is the way you will get people to reply and offer your products to try.


More Resources

Once you have begun to establish your content on one channel, you will want to start sharing the content through other channels too. Let’s say you work mostly on YouTube. Eventually you will want to promote your videos through twitter and by doing this you will gain a wider reach. Open up a twitter account which has the same name as your YouTube account and use this to share random thoughts, videos and even to run polls with your audience to see what they like.


Build Your Following

You cannot simply post an image on Instagram with 20 hashtags and immediately gain 1000 likes. You need to have a following which will engage with your content and engage with you, too. Social media is all about talking to people and engaging, and this means you need to work hard to make sure that people notice you. Start off by searching for similar people to you on social media and commenting on their content. Like their content and talk to them, and they will begin to notice you and may even follow you. The trick is to be an active member of the online community. You will see a huge difference in the following and engagement in your posts when you take that time to talk to your audience. It will give you a loyal fan base which will stay with you as you grow.