Posts tagged blog
Make Money While Watching The Kids

The global pandemic has put a strain on all aspects of our lives and because many schools have opted for remote learning, the onus of staying at home with their young children in lieu of working has put many parents in an untenable position. But desperate times call for desperate measures and what you didn’t think you could do is suddenly possible if you map out a plan and set your mind to it. While the kids are learning, a parent can be earning which is a win-win for everyone. So, let’s take a look at a few stay-at-home moneymaking ideas and see which one works for you!

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Becoming A Successful Male Influencer: How Do They Do It?

Becoming a social media influencer in 2018 seems to be the new lawyer. So many young people are now stepping away from high profile jobs and looking to make some money in the world of the internet. It is not surprising that so many of us are taking this path, thousands of people are making a living from simply posting photos on Instagram and editing videos. But how do we get into this crazy world of the influencer?

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