Finding The Best Price For Your Old Mobile

When the time comes to upgrade your mobile phone, a key part of the process is selling your old one. And it’s natural that you want to get the very best price possible for it. But how can you do that? There are lots of things that’ll make a difference when it comes to finding the best price for your own mobile.

We’re going to discuss some of the most important things to do and consider when selling your phone if you’re going to get the best price for it. Read on now and find out everything you need to know.


Sell at the Right Time to Find the Peak Value 

A huge part of getting the best price for your mobile phone when selling it is about selling it at the correct time. Generally speaking, the sooner the better but it’s not always as simple as that. For a start, you want to make sure that you sell when people are buying. Prices for sought after mobile phones on the used market might rise in the run up to Christmas, for example. If you know that a new phone is about to be released that will date yours, you should sell it before that release happens too.


Include the Original Packaging If Possible 

People will pay more for your mobile phone if it comes with the original box and packaging that it came with when you bought. Of course, if you threw it away a long time ago, there’s not much that you can do about that now. But if you do have it or you think it might be tucked away in the attic somewhere, it’s worth tracking it down because that little bit of cardboard will add extra money to the amount people are willing to pay for your phone.


As Well as the Other Extras it Originally Came With 

There might be other things aside from the box that it came with too. For example, it will have come with a charger. Do you have that original charger still? If you do, you should make it clear that that’s the case because it’s another thing that people are often looking for when buying used smartphones. They want to know that it’s coming with a reliable charger and the most reliable kind of charger is usually the original one that the manufacturer supplied with the phone.


Research the Local Market 

Knowing how much your mobile phone model usually sells for on the local market is important. If you’re going to be selling it locally on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace or similar, you need to know what the going rate is. Believe it or not, there are variations depending on location so you might not get the full picture of how much your phone might sell for until you explore other listings for the same model of phone in your area.


Use Fast Selling Sites for Speed and Efficiency 

If you want to get rid of your phone fast and you want a good price without putting in too much effort, it makes sense to simply use a service like Sell My Mobile. These kinds of services tend to take the pain and hassle out of selling old mobile phones and that can be a real relief when you don’t want to spend time researching prices and finding a buyer online and getting it to them in a safe and secure way.


Keep it Protected 

You’re always going to get more for your mobile phone if you store it carefully and keep it in good condition. If you allow the condition to deteriorate over time, the phone is eventually going to be worth a lot less money than it otherwise might if you’d have taken steps to keep it properly protected.


If There’s No Other Workable Option, Consider Recycling It 

If you don’t know what else to do and you really struggle to find a buyer for your mobile phone, you could always opt to have it recycled. You can sometimes get a small amount of money by doing this and that’s better than nothing. It’s also good for the planet too. 

As you can see, there are lots of things you can do to ensure you get the very best price possible for your mobile phone when the time comes for you to sell it. It’s easy to undersell your phone when you’re not being careful, but if you get more for your old phone, you can afford to spend a little more on your new one.