Man Boobs Surgery: How It Works

Overdeveloped breast tissues in men can occur when excess fat accumulates in and around your chest area. This can also occur when the glandular tissues of your breast increase abnormally. Also known as man boobs or gynecomastia, this breast condition often leads to poor body image, low self-esteem, and social isolation. Man boobs can also cause physical discomforts such as breast pain, tenderness, and frequent skin irritation. Furthermore, sweat can also build up under the excess skin folds of your breasts leading to an unpleasant odour. Fortunately, man boobs surgery or male breast reduction can help address your cosmetic and health needs by removing the excess fat and tissue in your breasts. 


How Male Breast Reduction address Gynecomastia 

Before the procedure, you will first undergo a consultation to assess your general health and expectations. This also allows the creation of a customised treatment plan according to your cosmetic and health needs.

On the day of the procedure, you will receive local or general anaesthesia depending on your breast condition and the surgical technique that will be used. The target area will also be marked. A small incision will then be created in your breasts to allow the insertion of a small, thin tube (cannula) that is attached to a powerful suction. Once inserted, the tube will be pushed and pulled to break down the fat cells and remove them from your breasts. This is a body contouring procedure known asliposuction. If your breasts have excess fat only, liposuction may be enough to reshape them. However, if you have excess glandular tissue or skin, surgical excision will be performed. During this process, an incision will be created along the natural folds of your breasts or placed hidden in the areola. The excess glandular tissue and skin will then be removed and your nipples will be repositioned to achieve a more sculpted, masculine-looking chest. 

During your consultation, you will be provided with all of the details of male breast reduction procedure for you to have a complete understanding of what you will go through.

 Potential Candidates for Male Breast Reduction Procedure

The procedure has some requirements and will not work for everyone. To be considered a potential candidate for male breast reduction: 

·         You should have excess breast tissue that’s causing physical and emotional discomforts.

·         You should be within 30 to 40 pounds of your ideal body weight.

·         You should have good skin elasticity.

·         You should have a positive outlook and realistic expectations.

·         You should be in good physical and mental health.


Male Breast Reduction Aftercare 

Immediately after the procedure, you may have a drainage tube in the wound area to prevent the build-up of blood and body fluid. You may also experience bruising, swelling, and pain on the incision sites. To minimize discomforts and speed up your recovery after the procedure, you should adhere to the following instructions:  

·         Apply ice packs on the operated area.

·         Avoid contact sports.

·         Avoid pressure or any excessive force on the incisions sites.

·         Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

·         Avoid strenuous exercises and other activities that require heavy lifting.

·         Rest as much as possible in the first 24 to 48 hours.

·         Sleep on your back to avoid placing pressure on the incision sites.

·         Take the prescribed medications.

·         Wash your hands before and after cleaning the incisions sites.

·         Wear your compression garments religiously for 4 weeks.


Benefits of Male Breast Reduction 

This procedure can offer the following amazing benefits: 

·         It helps achieve a more sculpted, masculine-looking chest.

·         It increases your self-esteem by improving your body image.

·         It allows you to engage in physical activities and your daily routine without any discomfort.

·         It helps alleviate back pain, tenderness, and skin irritation.

·         It improves your hygiene by removing the excess skin where sweat builds up.

·         It allows you to wear tight-fitting clothes or go shirtless.

·         It improves your posture by boosting your self-esteem and removing the excess weight on your chest.

·         It improves your overall quality of life. 


Whether it’s excess fat, glandular tissue, or skin that’s causing your abnormal breast appearance, male breast reduction can effectively address this condition. This procedure works to achieve a more masculine-looking chest and reduce physical and emotional discomforts associated with abnormally large breasts in men.