Short And Effective Exercises For Dads

Being a dad doesn’t necessarily mean you want what the internet has deemed the ‘Dad Bod.’ You might think yourself doomed to the inevitable chub that claims most dads - you just don’t have time to work out anymore.

Between work and your wild, crazy, amazing kid (or kids), there is simply no leftover time in your weeks to get in those 5-6 sessions per week at the gym that you managed during college.

Don’t lose hope yet, though. There is a highly successful method that will allow you to retain your fitness level and stave off that dad bod, and it won’t keep you away from your kids. In fact, you could even workout with your kids. 


The Method 

The method I am talking about here is essentially High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT for short. HIIT is a relatively recent and highly revolutionary breakthrough in exercise science.

 The whole point of HIIT is that it has the same results as would hours spent in the gym, but takes only twenty minutes a day. The key to HIIT is that you work out smarter, harder, and more efficiently, instead of longer. 

Duration does not necessarily equal a good workout. This method can be applied to all fields of exercise; this includes cardio and resistance training. Because of the heightened intensity of these types of workouts, your body will burn calories during the workout, and will also continue to burn calories after you are finished.  

Additionally, because short, high intensity workouts require a lot of oxygen, this increase in your body’s need for oxygen also increases the amount of calories you burn.  

One of the best results of HIIT is that it increases the oxidative capacity of your muscles - this helps with cardio and other aerobic exercises. Basically, HIIT will get you in shape, and it will keep you in shape, and it has the added benefit of not taking you away from your kids. 


The Exercises

I’m going to outline for you a total of three different short HIIT routines. One for upper body (Chest, Biceps, Back, and Abs), one for lower body (never skip leg day), and one that is more core focused.  

These routines are all no more than twenty minutes long, and will have you feeling sore, exhausted, and eventually, strong - and they’ll definitely stop the dad bod in its tracks. 


Upper Body 

This routine requires one set of dumbbells for only a few exercises, otherwise, you need nothing other than a decently sized space to move around.  

The routine is split into 4 sets, with three exercises in each set. You should perform each set three times before moving on to the next set.  

The exercises that make up each set are split, not into repetitions, but into time (30 seconds per exercise). HIIT is time-intense training; this might be difficult at first, go at your own pace, do what you can; you will get stronger. 


Set 1 - Push Ups, High Knees, and Rest.  

This is relatively straightforward. Grab your phone, play your favorite playlist, and time yourself for 30 seconds for each exercise. Make sure to focus on form - good, slow pushups will be more effective than fast, bad pushups.  

Repeat this set three times before moving on. Plus, if you’re feeling up to it, have your kid sit on your back while you’re doing your pushups for some added weight.


Set 2 - Bent-Over Rows, Burpees, Rest.  

You’re going to use your dumbbells for the rows; again, focus on form over pure speed. Burpees are great full-body workouts. You start in a standing position, jump up, then fall into a crouch and kick your legs out behind you, do a pushup, then jump up and repeat.  

You will be doing this for thirty seconds at a clip. You will get sweaty. Repeat this set three times. You’re going to really be feeling it at this point. Don’t forget to drink water. And keep up the intensity. 


Set 3 - Bicep Curls, High Knees, and Rest.  

Bring out those dumbbells again for some traditional bicep curls. Other than that, it’s business as usual. Don’t forget to repeat the set three times. 

Bear in mind your goals for your bicep muscle development here: if your goal is to increase bicep size, lift heavier weights with slower and fewer repetitions. Studies have shown that lifting lower weights with a fast tempo leads to a larger increase in strength over time.

Set 4 - Core time. Crunches, Russian Twists, Plank.  

To do a proper crunch, lie on your back and lift your legs so that they are parallel to the ground. Crunch up to your bent knees.  

Russian twists involve you sitting with your heels slightly off the ground and twisting your body to lightly tap the ground next to you. For added weight, hold a medicine ball, or your toddler (just be careful).  

Planks are self-explanatory, but, again for added weight, drop a kid on your back. You will be shaking and sweating and it will be great. 


Lower Body 

This one is split into two sets.  

Set 1 - Burpee, Reverse Lunge (left leg), Reverse Lunge (right leg), and Squat.  

Time yourself for roughly 40 seconds per exercise. The lunges and squats don’t require added weight, but if you want to add weight, a simple set of dumbbells can work well.  

Set 2 - Squat Jump, Walking Lunges, and Goblet Squat.  

Same thing as set 1 for timing. Goblet squats are a great variation to the traditional squat, and involve a wider stance. You hold a dumbbell in both hands, in line with the center of your chest, and squat all the way down.  

You also always have the option of doing an interval run instead of messing around with these workouts for leg day. The Nike+ Run Club app has a ton of great interval running workouts that coach and time you while you run. 


This routine involves one set that you repeat three (or more) times. Spend 30 seconds on each exercise.  

Set - Mountain Climbers, Side Plank (15 seconds per side), Leg Lifts, Plank, Russian Twists.  

Mountain climbers start in a high-plank position. Hands shoulder width, hips up and back a little. Simply pull your right knee in to your chest, and repeat with your left leg. Repeat, repeat, repeat.  

This is a great exercise. This abs-only set will leave your core on in flames, which is the goal, of course.   

Not having enough time is no longer an excuse. All you really need to do is start. Twenty minutes a day, three or four days a week. You will definitely stay in shape. And you won’t have to sacrifice time with your loved ones. 

In fact, they can even help you train. Which makes this a fun activity. Plus, these workouts are very easy to perform in your living room, bedroom, hotel room, backyard, etc. etc. Keep up the intensity, and wave the dad bod goodbye.