Posts tagged Grief
3 Tips to Parenting While Grieving

When you encounter a major life obstacle such as the death of a family member or lifelong friend, life does not get put on hold. As a father, you still have bills to pay and a family to provide for in addition to planning the funeral. Being able to balance your own well being with the responsibilities of life can be immeasurably difficult but it is not impossible. Understanding these 3 tips will help you be the best possible father you can be while grieving.

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Behind These Eyes: A Father's Invisible Grief

"Mr. Fiorella, we've found your son. I'm sorry...." After a frantic search for our 19-year-old son, these were the first words shared by the police officer who reported that my son had been found dead, by his own hands.It's a phrase that will forever be etched in my mind; words that continue to elicit conflicting emotions and memories. 

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