Posts tagged death
Tips For Healing After The Loss Of Your Spouse

Losing a spouse is perhaps the most painful experience you may face. Even worse, you have to deal with the physical, emotional, and financial implications. Life may come to a stop, and regaining control seems like an impossible effort. But you cannot stop living, even more, if you have responsibilities to handle. Healing from the loss of a life partner is often a long and daunting journey, but you can make an effort. Here are some tips that can show you the way to move on.

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Grief: Helping Your Kids Understand And Deal With Loss

The death of a loved one is brutal for anyone, and it's equally one of the most challenging discussions to have with anyone. Death can be a devastating period for children. Unfortunately, most parents disclose the details about death to the children when it happens. However, it's good to share your beliefs and experiences with your children early enough as it helps them prepare and deal with loss when it finally happens.

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Death Of A Parent- How The Surviving Parent Can Help Kids

The death of a parent is the worst thing that can happen to a child. Thousands of American kids who lose a parent fall prey to mental health issues every year. The kid has to handle stress and depression, while the financial implications can make things worse for the child. But the surviving parent can play a key role in helping the kids deal with the tragedy and get their life back on track. But the responsibility is bigger than you can imagine because you will need to reassure the child and start afresh. Here is some useful advice from American parents who have been through the situation and done it successfully.

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3 Tips to Parenting While Grieving

When you encounter a major life obstacle such as the death of a family member or lifelong friend, life does not get put on hold. As a father, you still have bills to pay and a family to provide for in addition to planning the funeral. Being able to balance your own well being with the responsibilities of life can be immeasurably difficult but it is not impossible. Understanding these 3 tips will help you be the best possible father you can be while grieving.

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3 Reasons You May Need to Sell Your Home….Fast!

For a lot of people buying a house means settling down, planning for a family and maybe finally building that man cave we have always dreamed of. However, sometimes plans have to change and sometimes the house itself needs to go and it needs to go fast. It is not something many people plan for but here are 3 reasons you may need to sell a property fast that you may never have planned for.

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